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The two groups of troops were settled down after the reuniting, and were waiting for the leaders to come with a plan. Inside the Castle, The Trio and Lancer gathered up to come with a plan.

S: Our best shot is to attack at night. Silent kill.

R: However, the place is heavily guarded. An alarm would be set off. Too risky.

L: There's an opening at the back of the Castle. Only the King takes it. I can get you three in.

K: What about the troops? We can't leave them.

S: We can have them take down the front guards.

R: Again. Sirens.

As they discussed the matter, Lancer felt the happiest he'd been in years. Maybe in forever! After what seemed like ages of deciding, they came up with a plan. It was a sure way get to the Castle and to the King.

R: Then it's settled. We'll attack from the inside. From there, we'll disable the sirens. We lock out the front guys. We finally make it up to the top. That's where we meet the King. Remember. We can't reason with him. Kris?

K: Yeah.

R: Can we trust you and Susie to get the prisoners out?

S: You can count on us to get them out.

The reason she spoke so soon was because she didn't realize they had to get him.

S: Wait... Don't tell me we have to get..

R: Seems like it.

K: It's suicide. You remember the trouble we went through to get the Jevilsknife. You realize waking him up will kill us all.

R: What other choice do we have. He can help us fight the King.

S/K: ...

K: ..If it helps us take him out, then we may have to break him out.

S: Well... if you're going along with it, then I'm going with it.

Under the table, Susie and Kris locked hands. Through everything they went through, and will go through, they would stay together. They made sure about that. Lancer, seeing this action, spoke, "Boy, what did I miss in this past week?" The two immediately separated hands before anything else. The last thing they needed was someone spreading rumors.

R: Well then, we attack tomorrow.

K: We break out the prisoners and take out the King.

*Ayy! Your boi is back! I know I haven't made a chapter in days, but I was gonna update yesterday, but I fell asleep. True story. But now, we're taking a turn! Now we're getting into juicy territory!*

The Guardians/Kris x Susie: Chapter 1 - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now