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"Wake up Kris! We're waking up early this morning!"

Kris slowly opened his eyes to see Toriel leaning over him. He said nothing and got up from his bed.

T: Good. I'll get your breakfast ready.

Toriel walked out and closed the door. Kris got dressed for his day. He decided to wear a green and yellow striped jacket on top of his usual clothes. Once dressed, he walked out of his bedroom and down his stairs. He saw a plate of waffles on his table waiting for him. He sat down and started eating. While eating, he reminisced the days before.

To recap, he went back to the Underworld with Noelle, nearly died, sent an army out to destroy an old revolution, became friends with an old enemy, killed a King, and went into a relationship with a chalk eating monster. The thought of Susie got his excited to see her again(even though it was literally a day ago since he saw her).

Once he finished eating, he grabbed his bag.

T: Are you ready?

K: Yep. Let's roll.

They walked out and got into the car. Nothing out of the ordinary. They finally got to the school. They said their goodbyes and went off on their way. Kris walked down to his locker. He noticed that they were giving him odd looks. And then they'd giggle. Like they knew something. Kris grabbed a nearby student to get answers.

K: Hey J.C. You're pretty social. What's with the looks?

J.C.: Easier to show you.

He took out a camera and showed him a picture. It was taken yesterday, the date told him. It was a picture of him and Susie kissing on the sidewalk.

K: Mother...Fucker.

J.C.: This picture was leaked on the Internet by an Anonymous User. It was posted last night.

K: Question is..who posted it?

J.C: Bigger question. Why?

The bell rang for them to get to class. Kris phycologically panicked. He didn't think people would know. At least not for a few weeks. Nevertheless, he got his stuff and proceeded to Alphys's class.

A: O-ok everyone. Today, we'll be working on our project. G-get with your partners.

Kris then felt his hand taken into another. He looked, and there was Susie, smiling ear to ear. He gave a smile and they proceeded to the project.

*Time skip*

The final bell rang for the students to leave. Kris packed his stuff, and as he was about to leave, a group of girls came up to him.

G1: Is it true Kris?

K: *Sigh* It's true.

G2: Are you two in a relationship?

K: Well, yeah.

G3: Why would you date someone like Susie?

K: Well because love isn't about looks. Unlike you, Karen, I don't date jocks just because of the fame and looks.

Kris stormed off without another word. They wondered what just happened, but ignored it.

S: What was that about?

K: Sick and tired of it all.

S: Well, at least we didn't have to tell them.

K: Well, I'm curious. Who posted the picture? Noone was around, so it must've been someone in hiding.

S: Are we gonna set up a goose chase to find the photographer?

K: I'm gonna have to. If I want the shit to stop.

*Oooooohh. Who took it? You'll have to wait to find out!

I genuinely am not complaining about this one*

The Guardians/Kris x Susie: Chapter 1 - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now