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A nurse open a door and walked to the three.

N: We're afraid the bullets hurt him bad. He's in real bad shape. We don't think he's gonna make it out...

Kris's heart stopped. Toriel and Susie knew Kris was hurt.

N: Say your last words to him while you can.

The nurse walked off to other people in the waiting room. Kris walked through the doors and down the halls. He finally got to J.C's room. J.C was awake and alive. Kris walked into the room.

K: Hey bud.

J.C: Kris..

K: You don't look so well.

J.C: Well, I'm on my deathbed. This really is a treat from God.

K: You have this last minute. At least.

J.C: I'm sorry. I was..

K: What is it?

J.C: I...I'm the one who took the photos. I was hired by..the take your pictures in secret. I'm the Anonymous user.

K: J.C..

J.C: When they found out I told you about the photos, they shot me...pretty good too..

K: I..

J.C: I'm nit askung for forgiveness anymore. I just want it to end..

J.C leaned forward into Kris's ear and whispered something. Kris's has dropped.

K: Is that the..

J.C:..Killer? Yeah. Should've told you earlier..

K: ...I....I forgive you.

J.C's eyes filled with tears.

J.C: T..thank you. Brother.

K: Brother.

J.C felt a pain emerging. He knew this was his last moment. He slowly closed his eyes and awaited death. Kris heard the heart monitor sound. It really sounded like Death was taking his steps closer...

The monitor flatlined.

Kris closed his eyes.

K: Thank you. And well done. Well..done. My brother...

May I
Stand unskaken
Amidst a crash of worlds
May I
Stand unshaken
Amidst a crash of worlds..

Toriel crept over the corner.

T: I'm sorry.

K: They are dying tonight. Whoever did this..will die. Tonight.

*Yeah yeah. Shorter than usual. Save it.*

The Guardians/Kris x Susie: Chapter 1 - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now