Chapter 3: Getting to know each other

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee

Rachel's pov: Me and Finn are still kissing. But,it starts to heat up. Before I knew it, my legs were wrapped around his waist and we were sitting on his desk. For a second, I forgot we were still in school. As much as I don't want to pull away, I do. I can't risk us getting caught.

"Hey. Why did you stop?",Finn asked.

"Because,were still in school and I didn't want to,but I had to. How bout we spend the last...15 minutes learning about one another?!",I said.

F:"okay. Well who was your first kiss?"


F:"Wait,so you never had a boyfriend?"

R:"Nope. I always thought they would hold me back from my one true dream."

F:"Oh. So what is your dream?"

R:"I want to make it to broadway. And hopefully study at NYADA."

F:"Oh,well that's good. Don't let anyone step in your way."he said a little sad.

R:"Hey, don't worry. I might just let one person step in." I said winking at him. He smiled at me,which made my heart flutter. I like him and he said he likes me to. I'm not even his girlfriend. Oh,how I would love to be his girlfriend. Maybe even become Mrs. Hudson one day... Wait I'm thinking too far ahead. I should ask about his love life. Yea.

"So, finn how many girlfriends have you have?" I asked him.

"Oh,well I honestly only had one. I thought she was the one. But apparently she cheated on me three times."he told me.

R:"I'm sorry to hear that."

F:" it's okay. I don't love her. I have my eyes set on someone else."He said as he smiled at me. I couldn't help but blush. His smile is so heart warming. It makes me just wanna kiss him right then and now and forget the other people. Uh, stay focuse Rachel.

R:"So finn. How old are you exactly?"

F:"I'm 22. You?"


F:"cool. Tell me about your family."

R:"we'll I have two gay dads. Hiram and Leroy. They love me very much. They always say I'm their little star. I don't know my mom. No siblings. Just me and my dads. But, Santana is like a sister to me. What about you?"

F:" Well it's my mom, Carole,she recently got married to someone named Burt. Very nice man. He has a son named Kurt,whose gay and they are now my step dad and brother. As for my father. I don't know him either."

R:" Wait did you say, Burt and Kurt. As in Hummel!?!"

F:"yea. why?"

R:" Kurt is my best friend. He goes to dalton with his boyfriend Blaine!"

F:"well your practically already in the family Rach." I smiled when he said that. He already considers me apart of the family.


F:"yes Rach?" It sounds better when he calls me 'rach' than San and Kurt.

R:"what kind of women do you like?" I asked anxious to hear his response.

"I like girls who are smart,beautiful,have big dreams. Kinda like you." He said and did that half smirk that I've grown to love already. I couldn't help it no more. Before he said anything else-I jumped on his lap and kissed him. My arms around his neck,while his were wrapped safely around my waist. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip,begging for entrance. Which I, without hesitation,granted him. After a few minutes passed he pulled away,stared into my eyes and smiled before asking," Rachel will you be my girlfriend?" I was shocked. I wanted to say yes but what if someone found out. It IS legally allowed. "What if someone founds out. I want to,but I can't risk you, your job and everything else." I said. " It's okay Rach. In public it'll just be a student talking to a teacher. In private it'll just be us."he said reassuringly. After I thougt about it, I smiled at him and kissed him before saying," Yes! I will love to be your girlfriend!" A few minutes passed and we didn't notice that our 15 minutes was about to be up. We continued kissing til we heard a voice. "Rach?" We stopped and looked at the doorway to see Santana! Crap! I forgot I was supposed to meet her at lunch. She must of knew I'll be in here since I was talking to Finn. Well more than talking. "What the hell is going on!?!" Santana screeched. I looked up to see finn was speechless. So was I. I wanted to say we were just getting to know each other. But she seen us. I wish we were just getting to know each other.

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