Chapter 25: Oh my god!

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"You owe me for before when they came you know. I think you know too that our time alone is long awaited, there's been some things I've been wanting to do to you. They might be here now but I don't know, who knows what will happen when I get you alone?" Finn had said to me. I haven't been able to get those words out of mind since he said them. And now he's sitting here with his arms around me as we watch the movie with the gang. I think he knows that I can't stop thinking about what he said because he has his little smirk on his face. Ugh he annoys me sometimes, I huff and slouch more into his arms. I feel his arms tighten and loosen before he leans into me, " What's the matter babe?" He whispers. "You." I say back, looking into his eyes. Realization crossed his features and he lets out a loud laugh. I frown, "It's not funny Finn!" "Hey Finchel be quiet we can't hear the movie!" Santana yells at us. I roll my eyes at her, "Santana the movie is almost over." "Exactly we would like to know how it ends Berry sheesh." Before I could respond back to her, Finn pulls me on his lap and encircles his arms around me kissing my forehead while he rubs his hands down my arms. A few moments goes by and I can't take it anymore. I slowly turn in his lap facing him and plant a kiss on his alluring lips. The sudden movement shocking him, he takes a moment yo regroup as I push him back against the sofa before he tightens his grip around me. I accidentally let out a low moan and he smirks again, against my lips. "Two can play at that game Finny." Slipping my fingers to the nape of his neck, I pull the hair at the bottom, tugging his head slightly backwards which causes him to grunt. I pull away and look into his eyes with a smile dancing in my eyes before I'm attacked with a pillow. "Hey! We said quit it! Gross." I pick it back up and throw it back at Kurt. "Nobody said watch us then!" I retort back to him before dropping into the space next to Finn. "It's kind of hard with Gigantor groaning over the movie." Santana quips now laid in Quinn's arms. I cross my arms, upset that we were interrupted yet again, "You guys came over here." I pout at them before I feel Finn's presence. "Get them to leave and I'll finish what you started." He says before getting up. "Hey uh guys, I think I'm going to call it a night. Long day tomorrow. So goodnight," He turns to me, "Rach I'll see you soon." And I watch as he disappears from view. Shaking my head, I stand from the couch gathering everyone's blankets and snacks. "So what else do you guys what to do tonight?" I ask before making my way to the hallway closet.

Quinn's pov:
"Well how about we order food and talk about our day?" Santana says jumping up.
"Oouu, I'm totally up for some gossip right now!" Kurt joins in. Sighing I look over at Blaine and sees he's shaking his head at Kurt.
"Santana." I say curtly and shake my head at her as well.
"Kurt." Blaine says.
"What?!" They both say but Blaine and I know they know.
"Remember what we spoke about in the car? They clearly want to be alone right now. Let them be." Blaine whispers softly so that Rachel can't hear us.
"But.. but- "" Santana starts but I wasn't having it. I approach her and place my hands on her shoulders.
"Sweetheart, remember that promise I made you at the apartment? Give them their time and we'll have ours." Kurt and Santana both drop their shoulders in defeat.
"Fine." Kurt sulks.
"Okay, okay, we'll leave now." Santana says just before Rachel walks in.

Rachel's pov:
I didn't hear anything since Santana suggested to stay up talking and eating. I walk back in to see them all standing around and Kurt and Santana with their heads down.
"Hey what's wrong? Still up for that gossip?" I ask looking around at them.
"Actually Rachel," Blaine begins wrapping his arm around Kurt's waist, " I think we'll be leaving now. You and Finn deserve some time alone and so do us. Thanks for having us over, really. We appreciate it." Quinn nods along with him. Confused I step closer to them, "Are you guys sure? Really we don't mind it at all. We're happy you guys are here close with us. Really, you can stay if you like."
"No it's okay Rach. Right Santana, Kurt?" Quinn turns to them and they both nod.
"Well okay, good night everyone. Get home safe." I go to hug Kurt and Santana then Blaine and Quinn. They all gather their stuff and I walk them to the door.
"Well I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow right." I smile as they make their way out the door.
"Or in a few days!" Blaine shouts as he walks to the car.
"Go head Rach. I'm sure Finn's still waiting for you!" Santana says as Kurt elbows me. I shyly smile at them before nodding quickly. Blaine beeps the horn as they all pull off and I wave before stepping in, closing the door and leaning against it. Suddenly remembering Finn down the hall, I smirk before running to our bedroom.

* 2 weeks later*

Rachel's pov:
Ever since Klaine and Quintana left that night two weeks ago, Finn and I have been inseparable. They only come around every couple days but they don't stay too long. Leaving Finn and I to resort to our room or well.. wherever we are at the moment. But lately, I feel like I'm becoming under the weather. Just slight headaches every morning and wanting to eat more than I usually do. Finn hasn't noticed yet but I'm sure it's nothing. My appetite is probably just changing. As I'm thinking I feel strong arms wrap around me from behind. "Hey Beautiful." Finn whispers in my ear before planting a kiss to my cheek. I turn and peck his lips quickly. "Great, how are you handsome?" "Perfect now that I see you." He says before going to the refrigerator. "Hey babe did I tell you that I got an email from somebody inviting me to their baby shower? It's weird because I have no idea who they are." Finn laughs and I become quiet. Wait. 2 weeks ago since that night. Eating a lot. Lightheaded in the morning. No, no that can't be. "Babe?" Finn questions when he turns around. I look up sharply before I rush out the kitchen. "Rachel!" "Uh yeah babe listen I have to go to the store real quick. We're out of.. sugar! Do you need anything?" I ask frantically before grabbing my purse. "No, no I don't. But Rach are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" I turn to face him, "Oh no finny. Of course not. Im sorry. I just really wanted to make some tea this morning and we're out of sugar. I promise I'll be right back. I love you!" I say quickly kissing him and rushing out the door. About 15 minutes later I return with a small bag with sugar in it and Finn is nowhere to be found, thankfully. "Finn?!" I yell out before I hear the shower running. Sighing, I go into the guest bathroom and sit down on the toilet tossing the little package back and forth in my hands. Taking a deep breath I open it and follow the instructions. I set the timer for 2 minutes and wait patiently listening out for Finn. The alarm goes off and with shaky hands, I grab the stick and look down. I gasp, tears building in my eyes. " Oh my god!"

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