Chapter 15: Surprise

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Rachel's pov:

After me and Finn left the park that night,we had a romantic dinner at breadsticks. He rented out the whole restaurant. There were decorations everywhere,music playing,and our undying love. I love Finn so much. After he walked me home,I found a note from my dads,

"Hey sweetie! Your father and I won't be home until Sunday. Important meeting. See you soon!" I smiled at the note before placing it down. Today was Thursday so I can invite Finn over tomorrow while they are away. I got in the shower and after I was done I just laid down on my bed,thinking about Finn and seeing tomorrow in school.

Finn's pov:

When me and Rachel got to the restaurant,I seen that Kurt had the whole place rented out. Including all the decor he put it. Me and Rach spent the night laughing,singing,dancing,in our love for each other. I had to thank Kurt for such an amazing night and getting me and Rachel back together. I was so happy to see her in school tomorrow. But i thought about Kitty and Brody. They said they were supposed to leave tomorrow. So they had one more day left before leaving. As much as I wanted to punch Brody in the face and confront both of them,I'm just gonna ignore them. Nothing. No one will separate me and Rachel again! After I drove Rachel home and went back to mine,I thanked Kurt so many times that he actually got annoyed at me. He looked like he was gonna murder me if I said thank you to him again so I just left. It was about 11 o'clock at night. I went into my room thinking of Rachel. I thought of how much I love her,and want to be with her for the rest of our lives. I thought of Rachel personality and everything she does. I loved everything that came to mind. There was nothing I didn't like about her. I made my decision. I knew what I wanted to do.I,Finn Hudson,is going to propose to Rachel Barbra Berry!But how? And when?Should I do it. It has to be perfect! Kurt!!!


Kurt's pov:

I love that Finchel is back on but when Finn came home late at night saying thank you. I ready to strangle him. I loved them too together and he was so happy but I was so tired with planning everything for them. Anyway, I was getting dress when Finn walked in my room. He looked happy,nervous,and concerned?I knew the reasons for the first two but why was he concerned? Before I could asked him anything he told me to sit down. I prepared myself for what was about to be said.

F:"Kurt. I need expert help!"

K:"Well,on what exactly Finn. I could do it!"

F:"Um..,well I was thinking last night and.."


F:"I want to propose to Rachel! But I don't know how I should do it." I completely shocked by this. But I knew they really loved each other but then again nobody knew they were together!

K:"Finn. I knew you love Rachel and I will help with this problem of yours but-"

F:"Thanks Kurt. You're the best!!"

K:"Wait Finn! But,no one knows that you too are together. I think before plan this y'all should come out and tell people. I know it will be hard but graduation is a month away! So if people don't except then it doesn't matter. But you have to tell." I told him.

F:"You're right. I'll talk to Rachel first. Then..her dads." He said before leaving the room. I know he is dreaded to do so. Especially with her dads. But he knows I'm right. I continued getting dressed thinking of Quinn and Santana. I think both couples should come out and be public with it now. But with Santana in one of them. I don't think that will be easy!

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