Chapter 26:Baby

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Rachel's pov:
I continue to stare at the stick for a few more minutes not believing my eyes. Why would I even think this was possible. Are we even ready? Wouldn't it be too soon? Does Finn even want to be a dad? And here I am trying to get us ready for something I'm not sure he'll even want. I wipe my tears and place the stick back into the box. Looking into the mirror, I chuckle. I think it'll be nice if we had a baby, a finchel baby. I think we'll be ready for one. I'm ready to be a mommy. But the question is, is Finn ready? Shrugging my shoulders, I take the box and put it in my purse so Finn doesn't see it. I walk into our room seeing that he's just getting out the shower.
"Oh hey babe. When you get back?" He asks while he dries his hair. I smile and shake my head, "Just a minute ago. Not too long." I watch him from the doorway silently. He looks up and smiles, " Are you checking me out Ms. Berry?" I shrug before walking into the room. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not." I say as I sit up on my knees on the bed. He pulls his boxers on and a wife beater.
"Finn?" I ask quietly.
"Yeah." He says without looking up.
"Can we talk? About, anything." I chew my bottom lip nervously as he turns to me.
"Well babe we can talk about anything if you like. You know that. But is there something in particular?" You quirks his eyebrows up. Sighing I shift closer to him and cuddle into his side as he falls back against our pillows. Running my fingers up and down his chest, I take a few moments before answering.
"Well I was just wondering.. after everything back in Lima and now us in New York together with all my friends.."
"Rach, you're stalling. What is it?" I huff before pausing my fingers and resting them on his lower stomach.
"Do you want to have kids? With me?" I wait with baited breath and I feel him sit up forcing me to follow.
"What? Of course I would. There's nothing else I would ever want well besides you becoming my wife." He smiles widely, pulling me into him playfully. I smile back before sighing.
"But that's in the future. What if it happened now? Would you be upset? Would you leave me because it's going too fast for you?" I question him before turning my head. He slips his finger under my chin and turns my head to look into his eyes. I can see the hurt lingering in them.
"Why would you even think that? Rachel I love you,
I'm in love with you. I don't care if the future happens in 5 years or in 5 weeks. I'm here with and for you, forever. I want you to be the mother to my children and I want you to be my wife and I don't care if it happens too soon, because we're Finchel remember! We are endgame." The tears that have been lingering in my eyes since earlier finally fall at his words.
"Oh Finn. I love you too." I kiss him passionately before slowly pulling away. I sit up a little more taking another deep breath, "But you know when you said 5 years or 5 weeks?" I started as he nods his head smiling, "What if I tell you it's more like I don't know, 5 minutes, better yet, right now?" Confused he looks at me with a titled head before i crawl off the bed and walk to my purse. I pull out the box I had earlier and pull out the little stick like thermometer. I look at it one more time before I turn around and hand it to him. I step back scared of his reaction and wait. He stares at the stick longer than I expected before looking up at me with tears in his eyes.
"Rach?" He says, standing up off the bed slowly with the stick in his hands. I look up at him, wrapping my arms around me protectively.
"Is this what I think it is?" He asks. I nod my head and look down. Until I hear a soft laugh come out from him and I look up.
"Babe, you're telling me you're pregnant right now? In this moment?"
"Yes, Finn, I'm pregnant." I say softly.
"And you're not joking with me are you?" He asks as he steps closer but I fail to notice the glimmer in his eyes.
"Well I took it today. So no, I don't think it's wrong. I mean I've been feeling different lately and I'm..
I'm late." I say shyly as he didn't say his opinion yet. I search his eyes but his face remains still.
"My baby is pregnant with my baby." He states lightly as if he can't believe it.
"Finn I'm so sorry!" I cry out. He looks down at me with confusion but a huge smile crossing his face. And he says the words that make me tear up in joy and throw my arms around him.
"Sorry? Rach! This is amazing! We're gonna have a baby!!"

Finchel:Restrained LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ