Chapter 28:Court

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Rachel's pov: 

" What are you doing here, dads? " I say when I open the door to see my fathers who abandoned me not too long ago. 

" Rachela, we're here to bring you back home." My dad Leroy says to me as he walks in, my daddy following him. 

"How did you even find me?" I ask them, ignoring what my dad just said. 

" You know us sweetie. We've always knew everything about you and when we learned that you moved here with that godforsaken teacher, we decided to let you stay for a little to calm down before we came and got you." 

Kurt steps up, anger shown across his face, " My apologies Mr. Berrys but I would appreciate if you do not talk about my brother like that in front of me. He was and is a great teacher and a wonderful man to our Diva." Blaine steps up, silently showing his support for Kurt. 

" I have to agree dads. Im sorry," I say as I reach my hand out for Finn's, " but I would appreciate if you do not talk that way about my fiancé." I say surely and I feel Finn squeeze my hand. 

" FIANCE?!" They both yell out startled. 

" Yes, fiancée and soon to be my wife." Finn answers back to their shocked faces. 

" Absolutely not! Rachel Berry you are far too young and we've raised you better than to fall weak to a man." 

Angry, I break apart from Finn and take a step closer to the men who raised me. " I have not fallen weak to anybody. I love Finn and Finn loves me and you cannot barge into our home making demands. Your opinions hold no value here and they haven't since you kicked me out of your house." 

" Rachel we are your fathers and you do not speak to us that way! You will come home with us now and we'll forget about all of this."  Santana finally breaks her silence and makes her way next to, grabbing my hand before turning her attention to my dads. 

" My Rach will not be leaving with you guys. No me gusta. You guys didn't even have the decency to show up to her graduation. But you know what man was there cheering her on as she delivered her amazing valedictorian speech and accepted her diploma? Finn was. He is more than Mr. Hudson with her and with us. Yes I myself was shock when I heard about them but as I seen quickly, that these two belong together and what they share is real. We live in New York as a family and a fresh start, and don't need the likes of you or anyone else from that cowtown to try and drag us down. " Santana crosses her arms as she finishes her speech and I smile thankfully at her and she returns it as Quinn comes to stand by her too. 

My daddy, Hiram, claps his hands and my dad, Leroy, smirks. " That was beautiful Santana but we don't care. Rachel you don't know what you're thinking and we realize we took all those trips and left you alone and we took this, " Hiram stops to wave his hands around, " as a cry for attention. We understand now so, come on, get your things. If you want to see your friends, they are more than welcome to come down and visit." 

Shaking my head, I cross my arms and narrows my eyes at my fathers. " No dad, daddy. I know exactly what I'm doing. You don't think Finn and I knew the circumstances when we got together? Because we did and we didn't matter to BOTH of us before we wanted this and we love each other. New York is my home now. With my new and improved family." I say assertively, hoping that it does not leave any room for further discussion. I look around at my new family and cant help but feel thankful that we are all here and they are standing here with me during this conversation. 

" Family? Rachel.. why do I feel like there's something else we should know? " 

" You don't need  to know but our little diva is pregnant." Kurt tells them smugly. I see the anger and disgust flash through my fathers' eyes and I knew this conversation wasn't over. 

" WHAT? PREGNANT?! You're pregnant?" My dads ask furiously. 

Nodding my head, I tell them confidently, " Yes. Im pregnant. And yes it's Finn's. And we're keeping it and couldn't be happier. I will marry Finn and have more babies with him. And if you guys accept that, then maybe, just maybe, you'll be invited to the wedding and get to see your grandchild." 

" Rachel! They kicked you out and you haven't heard from them since! You cannot let them be involved at all." Santana says turning to me shocked. I place my hand on her arm and shake my head, " I know they did Santana. But I won't deny them this, if they become accepting." I say as I look at my dads. 

" You have to get rid of it." My dad says. 

" WHAT!" I, Finn, Santana, Kurt, Quinn and Blaine all yell out together, not believing they just said that. 

" Yes. Abort it. We will not allow you to have that baby. How far along are you? Im sure it's not too late." My daddy says as he pulls out his phone. 

" We will not abort my child. " Finn says stepping forward, his fist clenching at his side. I place my hand on his back to calm him down. 

" I will do no such thing. This is my baby and I do not live with you guys anymore. You have no say on what I do in my life anymore." I tell them firmly. 

My dads clearly not giving up, argues back. " Rachel. We didn't want to take it this far. But you leave us no choice. Either you come home with us and abort the baby or we will report Finn to the police and have him arrested for deflowering our little girl and getting her knocked up. He clearly has brainwashed not only you but your friends and we refuse to stand by silent anymore." My daddy states, a smug look on his face and my dad glares at us. Shocked, I look at all the others and Finn who looks worried now. 

" You do what you want Mr. and Mr. Berry. But Rachel is not going home with you. She belongs here and you cannot rip her away from her baby's father or force her to abort my niece or nephew. She is over 18, which means she is legally an adult and what her and Finn have done, is not illegal. The police will question us and we can tell the truth that this was consensual by our many talks with Rach about it and Kurt knows his brother." Santana says to them as she stands besides Finn and I. 

My dads seem to falter at Santana's words but I know where I got my stubbornness from and they won't back down without a fight. 

" Rachel. Are you sure you want to go to police? You know we have our connections, why not just do the easy way and do what we say?" My dad warns. 

" Dads. Please leave. Im not leaving and you aren't welcome here in my home with my fiancé." I try one more time. My dads pulls out their phones, not giving up. At this, the whole room erupts in noise and the shouting match begins. I watch in annoyance as I see my friends and fiancé sticking up for me against my stubborn dads. As Santana starts to scream in Spanish, I finally have enough of the pointless. If my dads want a fight, then I'll give them one. 

" ENOUGH!" I holler, grabbing everyone's attention. " Dads. Since you will not leave without a fight, fine." I pause as I collect myself. 

" Rachel?" " Babe?" Santana, Kurt and Finn say as they look at me concerned. 

Shaking my head to assure them it's not what they think, I square my shoulders as I stand my ground to my dads. 

" I know how to solve all of this. And with the help of my new family, I know we will win." I stare at them as they wait for me to continue. 

" Which is?" 

Taking a breath, I close and reopen my eyes as I say my next sentence that will possibly change e everything in the long run. 

" Dads. Don't call the police. It's not needed. Let's solve this in court." 

Finchel:Restrained Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें