Chapter 22:What's next?

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*2 weeks later

Rachel's pov:
It's been 2 weeks since me and Finn got engaged. And I couldn't be happier. The news about me and Finn didn't last long. Plus Santana and Quinn seem to be more happy ever since we all came out. Everyone's been preparing for graduation. Speaking of which, graduation is today! 4 years of high school over and today sums up it all.
"Hey Rach?" I heard Finn say.
"Oh hey Finn."
"Hey what's wrong?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me. I turned around and looked up at him.
"Nothing. Nothing's wrong. I'm just nervous about today. You know graduation a-and what's gonna happen afterwards Finn?! I want to..what if..and? And?" I stuttered and I heard Finn chuckle. Confused, I looked up at him.
"You are adorable." He said poking my nose causing me to pout.
"You need to calm down okay? Everything is going to be okay. Better even! And I'm going to be right there as I watch my beautiful fiancé walk across that stage and get her diploma! And then we'll walk out of there..together. New lives. New beginning." By the time he was done, tears we're building up and I was smiling.
"How did I get so lucky?"
"I could ask you the same thing!"
"I can't wait to be your wife."
"Back at you Mrs. Rachel Soon to be Hudson!" He exclaimed then capturing my lips with his. Just as it deepened my phone ringed causing us to pull away as I rested my head on his chest. We stayed like that until my phone rung again.
"I should probably get that." I whispered and he agreed nodding his head. I rushed over to my phone and seen it was Kurt. Of course.
"What?" I said a bit harsh.
"Calm down diva! What were you doing that took you so long to answer? On second thought, I don't want to know."
"Kurt we weren't doing anything."
"You mean yet!"
"Kurt! What do you want?" I asked getting a little frustrated.
"Okay okay. Well stop whatever you weren't doing and make yourself decent. Me and the girls will be over in a few minutes!"
"What? Why?"
"No time to chit chat! Bye!" And with that the call disconnected. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and Finn walked back in the room with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Hey babe. Who was that?" I must've been staring too long because the next thing I heard was Finn laughing. I blushed and stood up walking over to him.
"Don't laugh at me." I pouted poking his chest.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" He asked.
"Very much."
"I'm glad." He said laughing.
"And that was Kurt. He was telling me that him and the girls will be here shortly. Actually I thought they be here by now. I wonder what's taking them so-"
"Well I guess they're here." He said chuckling once again.
"Well I'm going to handle them while you get dress."
"Alright! Love you!"
"Love you too!" I rush down stairs before Santana starts to get upset.

Kurt's pov:
"Could she take any longer?!" Santana says getting impatient.
"Santana we haven't even been waiting that long," Quinn states laughing,"Still." Just then the door swung open and Rachel stood there.
R:"Hey guys!"
Q:"Don't mind her Rach. She gets cranky in the morning."
S:"I do not!"
K:"Anyway. Hey diva! Where's Hudson?" I asked as we all walked in.
R:"Oh uh he's upstairs getting dress." She says slightly blushing.
S:"Ooh is Berry blushing!" Santana says teasing as her and Q broke into fits of laughter.
K:"Rachel? I thought you said nothing happened?!" I exclaimed as she begun to shake her head.
R:"No guys! It's..ugh nevermind."
After San and Q stopped laughing, we heard Finn's voice from upstairs.
F:"Rach?! Baby?!"
R:"Yes Finn?!"
F:"I can't find my favorite tie! Have you seen it?"
R:"Oh I moved it! Check the closet!"
F:"Oh I see it! Thanks!"
R:"Okay. Not that I don't mind but why are you guys here?"
S:"Great question. I would like to know also."
Q:"Come on guys. Today is graduation. Final goodbyes. We should make it great!"
K:"Thank you Quinn. I figured since it's our last day of school we should make the most of it!"
S:"Ugh fine!"
R:"That's great Kurt! But couldn't we make the most of it when we all came to school? I mean we have like 2 hours to be there." Rachel questioned. Before I could answer, Santana beat me to it.
S:"Oh I get it Berry! And what might you be doing to past the time? Something that you and finnocence can do?" Quinn chuckled as Santana raised her eyebrow.
R:"Santana. No. I was just saying-"
S:"Chill Berry! I was just kidding! But now that I think about it, that's the perfect way to pass the time. Let's go Quinn!" Before any of us could react, San and Q were out the door, leaving me and Rach wide eyed. "Ew." Me and Rach said at the same time causing us both to laugh.
K:"Hey Rach? I'm going to go alright?"
R:"Are you sure Kurt? You can stay if you want to."
K:"No it's okay. San was right. These 2 hours can be spend with our partners. Go head. Finn's waiting on you." I said and she smiled before hugging me.
R:"Well you better get going! I'm sure he misses you too!" She says winking making me blush.
K:"See ya Rach!"
R:"Bye Kurt!" And with that, I was gone.

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