Chapter 7:If only we wasnt a secret

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Disclaimer: Don't own Glee

Rachel's pov: It's been a whole week and Santana still hasn't forgiven me. I've been so busy worrying about me and Santana,that I haven't paid much attention to Finn lately. I'm sure he'll understand. If not,then I'll have to-persuade him otherwise. Anyway, as I walk into math class,I take a quick look at Finn before going to my seat. I hear him sigh a little bit. I know he it was about me. But I just can't go up to him. I guess I wasn't the only one who heard him sigh cause Kitty asked," What's wrong Mr.Hudson?" She has a crush on Finn. Too bad,I already have him.

"Nothing."he responded.

"Then why did you sigh then..?" She just had to keep pushing it.

"It's just my girlfriend. I haven't heard from her in a week." He said as he took a quick glance at me when saying"girlfriend". Kitty was a little disappointed when he said,girlfriend,but she still kept talking.

"Maybe you should brake up with her. You know,for ignoring you a whole week." She stated hopefully.

"No. I'm not gonna do that. I love her too much." I wanted to just stand up and say"I'm sorry for ignoring. And I love you too." But I couldn't. After he said that,the room erupted in "awws". The only ones who didn't say it were me,kitty,and Santana. I looked over to see that Santana was looking at me. Probably wondering why I wasn't talking to Finn. She turned back around once I caught her looking at me. I sighed to myself. And wrote her a note explaining everything. I passed it to her and watched her read. But she didn't reply back. I was about to write another one and pass it to her until Kitty spoke up. "Mr. Hudson. Rachel is passing notes to Santana!" God, I hate her. "Ms. Berry. Can I speak to you outside?" Finn said to me. I only nodded. As we walked out the door,I seen a smirk on Kitty face.

Finn's pov:

When Rachel walked in the room,I was kinda hoping she would come up to me. But she didn't. She just looked at for a quick second,before going to her seat. I know she couldn't just come up to me,then everyone would know about us. But I was hoping for something. I let out a quick sigh and I know Rachel noticed and felt bad that she ignored this week. But, I guess Rachel wasn't the only one to hear me,because Kitty asked what was wrong. And I told her it was nothing. But she wasn't going to stop there. So she asked me,Then why did you sigh then?" Knowing she wouldn't stop until I told her,I said," It's just my girlfriend. I haven't heard from her in a week."I replyed taking a quick glance at Rachel. I knew when I said that she felt bad and wanted to say something. But she couldn't. We both knew that. After I said that,I thought the conversation would be over. I thought wrong.

K:" Maybe you should brake yo with her. You know for ignoring you a whole week."

F:"No. I'm not gonna do that. I love her too much." I knew Rachel was gonna speak up but she fought against it and didn't. The room was filled with "aws" after I said that. I noticed Kitty, Rachel,and Santana didn't say anything. I knew why Rach and Santana didn't say it but why didn't Kitty? It doesn't matter. I was just about to get set up a movie for the class when Kitty called out again saying that Rachel was passing notes to Santana. Ugh...can't she just leave me alone. But since I was teacher I had to still act like one to Rachel. So I told her come outside so we can talk. I was really gonna talk to her about us though. She nodded her head and we went outside.

R:" I'm sorry for passing notes in your class. What's my punishment?" She said to me after we walked out the classroom.

F:" Nothing. I brought you out to talk about us."

R:" Oh. What about us. Are you breaking up with me?!" She panicked

F:" No. I would never do that. I mean how come you haven't spoken to me all week. Did I do something wrong?" I asked her. I could tell she calmed down afterwards.

R:" No. I'm sorry. It's my fault. Santana still hasn't forgive me and I have been trying to at least talk to her. But nothing working." She begun to sob. I knew her and Santana were close as sisters. But,I didn't think this much. As her boyfriend, I didn't say anything. I just grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her and hugged her until she calmed down. Once she calmed down the kiss the top of her head. She moved out of my arms and I instantly missed having her close to me. I then seen her move closer to me and she leaned in. Before I could react her lips were on mine and I kissing her back. I guess we forgot we were still in school and the class was waiting for us. At this point I didn't care if someone seen us but I knew she did. I wanted to keep her warm and pulp lips on mine but she pulled away and smiled at me. I smiled back at her. I wanted to kiss her again,so i leaned in but she stepped back and walk back into the room. Man,she drives me crazy. After standing there for what felt like five minutes I walked back into the class.

Rachel's pov:

I knew he didn't want to stop kissing but,we had to. I know he says he don't care if someone finds out about us. But,I can't help but think the worse if our secret came out. When I seen he was leaning to kiss me again, I backed away and walked into the room. It didn't seem like anyone noticed we were gone long because they were all horsing around and talking. It been about 2 minutes since I walked back in and Finn was still didn't come back in. After 3 more minutes,he walked through the door and everyone quiet down.

F:"Sorry about that class. So! We are gonna watch a movie today. You can sit anywhere you want." When he said that the class moved around to where they wanted to sit. I had to pay him back for ignoring him a whole week so, I got up and moved the desk right next to Finn's closer when nobody was looking and sat there. I gave him a quick smile and turned my attention to the tv in front of us.

Finn's pov:

When Rachel came to sit next to me, I was a little confused. But,I just went along with it. I noticed she moved the desk closer to mine so they were touching. I didn't think about and watched the movie with the class. About 20 minutes into the movie, I felt her hand go on my lap. I turned to her and whispered,"What are you doing?"

R:" Nothing." Then,she started to move her hand up and down while still looking ahead. She moved her hand higher and I moaned quietly and she smiled at me. She continued and luckily no one heard me over the movie and we were all the way in the back. Just as she was about to put her hand in my pants,the bell ranged and the students begun to file out and she smiled at me before leaving to go to her lunch period. I would have gotten up and ran up to her and just kiss her in front of everyone. If only we wasn't a secret.

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