Chapter 19:Secrets

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Disclaimer:Don't own Glee
*6.58k reads!👏Thanks so much!! So sorry for the late updates. I'm working on more stories now. Make sure to check them out when they're posted!*

Finn's pov:
It's been one week since me and Rach had our first time. It was absolutely amazing. The attention of me and Rach dating has died down. We only get a few stares when we come to school together. I'm glad that it has died down. Now I can focus on planning how to propose to Rachel. I've been ignoring her the past week and I don't even know how I managed that when we live together. I feel bad about it because she did nothing wrong and now I think she must believe I don't love her or something. Santana been giving me these death glares the past week also so I'm guessing Rachel must have told her something. I have to do this proposal soon before Santana kills me. I rush over to the person who is suppose to be helping me. Kurt.

Kurt's pov:
I've been avoiding Rachel because I know she is gonna ask me what's up with Finn. I've been avoiding Finn also because I kinda lost the location where he was going to propose to someone else. So I've been trying to find some place better. Luckily I did and it's perfect! I have lots of ideas for it now. I was at my locker when I felt someone grab my arm and shut my locker, dragging me into an empty classroom. I was about to scream when I seen that it was Finn!
K:"Finn! Why would you do that?! You just about gave me a heart attack!!!" I screamed.
F:"Sorry lil bro. But I needed to talk to you in private so no one heard us." He said shrugging a little.
K:"About the proposal?" I asked.
F:"Yeah! I thought you were helping me. I've been ignoring Rachel the whole week and I think her and San hate me now by all the death glares I'm getting!"
K:"I'm sorry Finn, but why would you ignore Rach? You need to act like nothing's happening. Now she'll be suspicious and it'll be harder to keep this away from her. Especially Santana." I stated.
F:"I know. So did you get the place?"
K:",no I didn't."
K:"Calm down Finn! I have a better idea." I said smiling.
F:"What is it?" He asked confused. I pulled out all my notes and explained to him my ideas.
F:"Kurt! That's fantastic!" He exclaimed hugging me.
K:"Okay Finn. We need to do this quickly. Do you have an idea when you want to propose to her yet?" I asked as I looked in his eyes.
F:"Yes I have. I want to do it in 3 days. So, Saturday..."
K:"Okay. Great! Do you have the ring yet?"
K:"Finn! You don't have the ring yet?!" I exclaimed.
F:"I'm sorry. I couldn't go or Rachel would wonder where I went." I sighed before I nodded my head.
K:"Okay. You and me are going ring shopping and we need to tell Santana and Quinn that you're proposing so they won't hate you or try to kill you anymore. They can keep Rach company while were out."
F:"Okay, but won't she get suspicious if we don't come back with anything?" He asked completely confused.
K:"That means we need to do a little shopping then, don't we?" I said with a smirk and he groaned.
K:"Come on brother. We have lots to do!" I exclaimed, grabbing his arm and dragging him out the room down the hall.

Santana's pov:
Rachel told me how Finn has been acting distant and stuff. I wanted to go and confront him the minute she told me but she said she'll handle it herself and it's probably nothing anyway. But a whole week! I know she doesn't want me to, but I have to talk to Finn now. I need to what's up. I see Kurt dragging Finn down the hall, perfect timing!
S:"Hey Frankenteen!"
K:"Oh hey San!"
F:"Hey Santana!"
S:"Don't 'hey' me! Why are you being distant to my girl Rach Finn?! What's your deal? Now she thinks you don't love her, and I know that isn't true! You tel-" I said before Kurt cut me off.
F:"Calm down, there's a perfectly good explanation about all this."
S:"I'm listening."
K:"Finn's proposing!" Kurt exclaimed.
S:Are you serious?!" I asked excitingly looking at Finn.
F:"Yeah I am. I'm sorry for ignoring Rach this week but I was waiting on Kurt to tell me about the location and plans and I was afraid Rachel would find out." He explained.
S:"That's amazing!! But why would you do that? You know she thinks you don't love her anymore and me and Quinn was bout to hunt you down."
K:"I told him that. We were actually on our way to ask if you and Quinn could keep her distracted until Saturday."
S:"Yeah, okay. So you're doing it Saturday huh?"
S:"So? Where's the ring? I wanna see it!" I exclaimed, with a huge smile, and clapping.
F:"Uh.. I um..don't have one yet." Finn stuttered.
S:"What!" I asked completely shocked.
K:"Yeah I know. That's why we need you and Q to keep Rach occupied so we can go get a ring today and set up the spot for the proposal."
S:"Alright, no problem Hummel! Where exactly are you proposing anyway Hudson?" I asked curious.
F:"Well Kurt had the idea of me proposing at the.."

Finn's pov:
After I told Santana the plan me and Kurt have of the proposal, she practically jumped up and down at the idea. If Santana loved it, I just hope Rachel loves it too. San agreed to keep Rach away until it's time. So now me and Kurt are in the mall browsing all the engagement rings they have. Kurt kept pointing out a lot of rings for me to check out but I didn't like any of them.
K:"Oh Finn! How 'bout this one?! It looks lovely!!!" Kurt exclaimed. I looked over at the ring he was pointing at and I must admit, it was nice but it didn't scream "Rachel"!
F:"It does look nice Kurt."
K:"But?" He questioned knowing there was more.
F:"But, it doesn't scream, "Rachel!" I continued.
K:"Yeah your right. Lets keep searching." He said searching for more.
K:"Finn! Finn!!! Look at this one! It's.." I tuned him out as I continued to search. After awhile, I found the right one.
F:"Kurt!!! Look, this is the one!!!!" I exclaimed excitingly as he ran over.
K:"Okay! Which one?" He asked.
F:"That one! Excuse me miss, can you wrap this one for me?" I asked the lady behind the desk and she nodded and went into the back.
K:"Finn. Are you sure that was the right one before you buy it?" Kurt said unsure.
F:"Yes Kurt! I know that was the one!" I said smiling just as the girl that was behind the desk earlier came back.
L:"Here you go, sir. May I ask whose it for?"
F:"Thank you. It's for my girlfriend, I'm proposing soon."
L:"I'm sure she'll love it!" She said smiling at me.
K:"Wait Finn! Can I see the ring first?!" He pleaded, looking at the lady.
L:"Sure. Here you go sir." She handed him the ring and Kurt stared at it in awe.
K:"Wow Finn! It's perfect!" He stated, smiling up at me.
F:"I know." I said giving him the" I told you" look, making him roll his eyes a little.
K:"Okay! The ring is gorgeous..perfect!! Can we go now? We have other things to do remember!" I nodded my head to him and thanked the lady and we left. Now all we have to do is prepare the location where I will propose to the love of my life. All I need is for her to say yes.

Rachel's pov:
This pass week Finn has been acting weird. Being more distant. I don't know what his problem might be. Oh no! What if he doesn't love me anymore!!But we live together, I thought everything was perfect. No, stop it Rachel! Finn loves you! Maybe it was just an misunderstanding. Yeah, that's what it was. It's all in my head. But I know there is something that has mind someplace else. Maybe-
S:"Hey Rae!" I heard Santana yell, snatching me away from my thoughts.
R:"Oh hey San! Everything okay?"
S:"Oh yeah! Everything's peachy!" She said smiling at me. It was weird how she was acting but I decided to leave it alone.
R:"Okay, that's good. But, have you heard from Finn?" I asked looking at her and her smile seemed to get bigger.
S:"Finn? Yeah he and Kurt went somewhere real quick. They'll be back later." She nodded before linking arms with me and we left the building. Just as we were about to jump into San's car, Quinn came running up, whispering something in Santana's ear. They both got all excited and I wondered what it was about. I left it alone again and we went to me and Finn's place. The whole time all I could think about was Finn. Why was he being so distant. I needed to find out, it was killing me. But I wonder if I really want the answer to it. What if I don't like it? This is crazy. Nothing's wrong Rach...nothing's wrong!! I repeatedly said to myself to try and ease my mind. But I couldn't, I needed to know something. Anything!
R:"Hey San, Q,where exactly did Kurt and Finn go and why?" I asked suspiciously looking between the both ad the glanced at each other.
Q:"Oh they went to the mall!" Quinn said and Santana nodded.
S:"Yeah! Kurt decided he needed new clothes and stuff and wanted to bond with his brother Finn so that's how they both ended in the mall." Santana says nodding at me to ensure everything was fine. Just then, Kurt and Finn came back and Finn was hiding something behind his back.
F:"Hey babe!" Finn exclaimed, giving me a quick kiss.
R:"Hey. What's in the bag?" I asked trying to get a look at what he was hiding. Instead he poked my nose and went shuffling into our room after saying it was nothing. I looked at the others and they all shrugged their shoulders while smiling. A few minutes later, Finn came back out and they all seemed distracted about something but didn't know what the big deal is. I looked at Finn and he must've felt I was looking at him cause he turned around and smiled at me. All I could do was look at him with thought of "Were we now keeping secrets?"

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