Chapter 29:Should I let you go?

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Previously on Finchel: Restrained Love 

Rachel's pov: 

" Dads. Don't call the police. It's not needed. Let's solve this in court." 

Rachel's pov: 

A collection of gasps course through the room at my statement. 

" Rachel. Are you sure about? " Kurt asks looking at me and Finn. 

" Yes." 

Shocked yet content with my revelation, my dads nods their head. " Okay, Rachel. We hope you know what you're doing. See you in court."  And with that, they turn on their heels and leave without another word. 

As the door closes, the prospect of what I've said lingers awkwardly in the air. Sighing, I turn quietly back into the living and proceed to clean up. What was supposed to be a happy afternoon with the announcement of a Finchel baby turned into shit all thanks to my dads. The others come in not too long after me and stand at the opening of the room, not saying anything. I continue to clean and pick up the snacks without looking at them. As I start to make my way into the kitchen to put stuff up, Finn walks up next to, placing his hand on my shoulder, stopping me in the process. 

" Rachel." He whispers painfully. Refusing to look at him, I shake off his hand and continue my way into the kitchen. I take a few seconds longer than I need to before venturing out to face the others. As I walk in, I see Finn sitting on the couch, his head between his hands with the Klaine and Quinntana holding onto each other looking down. I clear my throat to get their attention. All besides Finn look up. 

Finn's pov: 

" Dads. Don't call the police. It's not needed. Let's solve this in court."  

I look over at her in surprise. What? Court? I already was worried when her dads mentioned calling the police but now Rachel wants to take this to court! As her dads accept her decision on the matter and leave, my eyes follow Rachel. She cant be serious, can she? I know how our situation looks in black and white and it's not a pretty picture. A teacher and student, forbidden affairs, who run off to the big city and procreate. Any judge will rule against us. This morning I found out I was going to be a dad and in a matter of hours, my fiancé tells her dads who hate me that we'll settle this in court in front of a judge and jury who can dictate our future together. I take glance at the others and I know they are just as shocked as me that Rachel decided to make that decision. Rachel turns away from us and goes into the living room and I can hear her quietly picking stuff up, probably to get her mind off of what just transpired. We all follow after her in silence and watch her. When I see her make her way to the kitchen, the silence of the situation is killing me and I try to stop her. 

" Rachel." I whisper to her lowly but she doesn't look at me. Instead she shakes me off her and continues her on her way. Defeated, I stalk slowly over to the couch and sit down placing my head between my hands as I lean on my elbows on my knees. I cant believe this. Not only will I lose the love of my life but my unborn child as well. Rachel walks back in a few minutes later clearing her throat to alert us of her arrival but I'm too worried of what is to come of us to actually look up. 

" Berry? Please tell me that you know what you just said to your LAWYER fathers." Santana asks, breaking the ice and addressing the elephant in the room that I totally forgot about. Lawyers. Oh my gosh, I forgot that her dads were big time lawyers. Oh Rachel, what have you done? 

" Santana." I hear her breathe calmly, too calmly for something like this. " I know what I said and I meant it." She comes to stand next to me but doesn't sit down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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