Chapter 16:Leave

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Rachel's pov:

My dads weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow. Instead they're back early and they are waiting for an answer from me or Finn. I can tell Finn is speechless. I am too. We didn't want them to find out just yet. Especially like this. I look around at everybody,Finn like he's in deep thought and my dads angrily waiting for me to talk. I guess me and Finn have a slight change of plans. Here goes nothing.

R:"Dads.." I paused to grab Finn's hand pulling us both off the bed. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I felt Finn squeeze my hand reassuringly to let me know everything will be okay. I squeezed it back and looked at my dads.

R:"Dads. I have something to tell you." I said as I lifted me and Finn's hand to show them. Their eyes widened but they didn't say anything. I guess I'll be doing the talking today.

R:"Uh. Me and Finn..are a couple. We've been together the whole year. I know we should have come to you sooner but we didn't know how. I know you might think a teacher and student can't be together.." I seen their eyes widen at me saying Finn was a teacher. They must didn't know.

R:"And.." I didn't know what else to say. I was thinking of what to say when Finn begun speaking.

F:"Um hi Mr. and Mr. Berry. I know this is not how you wanted to find out about us but I just wanted to say I love your daughter very much and I would never hurt her. I plan to spend the rest of my life with her." I smiled at Finn and looked back at my dads. They still haven't said anything. Me and Finn are waiting to see what they had to say but nothing. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence and glances between them,they finally spoke.

L&H:"Go." What?


H:"We said go. Pack your things."

L:"You have half a hour to pack up everything and leave this house."

R:"What?!? Why? Where will I go?!?" I yelled.

H:"That's not our problem. We will not have a daughter dating a teacher in this house. No matter if it's legal age!" My dad Hiram growled at me. I looked between both of them and they shook their heads before leaving my now old room. I looked up at Finn and just cried in his arms. He rubbed my back and held me close. I'm so glad he's here with me. But where will I go?

Finn's pov:

I couldn't believe Rachel's dad just threw her out like that. When they left,she just fell in my arms and cried. I hugged her tightly and rubbed her back. I wonder where she will go. I don't want her anywhere else. I want her with me.

F:"Hey Rach.. I know your sad right now but everything's going to be okay. How about we pack your things and you move in with me and we'll work everything else out later." I stated. She look up at me with tears in her eyes. She nodded her head and went to start packing her things. I go over and help her. After 20 minutes of no talking and packing we were all done. I know this wasn't a good time but I still needed to talk to her dads about my proposal. I wasn't going to ask for their blessing. I just needed them to know like Kurt said. I didn't want to but I had to.

F:"Hey Rach. Ill be right back. I'm going to put your things in the car okay?"

R:"Okay" she mumbled. I sighed quietly before grabbing all her bags and walked downstairs. I passed her dads in the living room. They noticed me and I just shook my head before going to my truck and placing everything in. I walked back in slowly, not wanting to do this. I walk over to them.

F:"I know I'm the last person you want to talk to but I just wanted you to know that I deeply love Rachel. I would never hurt her. I love everything there is about her. So, I'm planning on marrying her. I'm gonna propose to her soon. We are in love and no one will stop me from loving her or being with her." I said and walked away before they could say anything. I went into Rachel's room to see she was ready and waiting for me.

F:"You ready to go Rach?" I asked.

R:"Yeah." She said and got up. I walked over to her and intertwined our fingers and we both walk downstairs.

Rachel's pov:

I waited in my room just thinking of how this all turned out. I was just thinking of what it would be like when it comes out at school when Finn came back into the room.

F:"You ready to go Rach?" He asked me.

R:"Yeah." I mumbled. He walked over to me,grabbing my hand and intertwining out fingers. We walked downstairs slowly. I placed my head on his shoulder and sighed. Finn must've heard me because he squeezed my hand again. When we got to the bottom, I looked over at my dads and they were casually talking as if nothing happened. I felt myself begin to cry and once they realized we were standing there, they glared at me and then Finn before continuing to talk. Finn pulled me along and we left the house and got in Finn's truck. It was quiet the whole ride. I just stared out the window until Finn pulled over. I looked at him confused.

R:"Why you pull over?" I asked.

F:"Are you okay?" I sighed before answering him.

R:"Yes I'm fine. I just don't know how all this will turn out?"

F:"I know. But we'll figure everything out together. You'll live with me and figure everything else out. Just like a married couple!" Finn exclaimed happily. I smiled at him for saying a married couple.

R:"Yes. I know Finn, just like a married couple!" I said.

F:"Okay. I love you." I smiled before saying it back to him and giving him a small kiss. He started the truck again and a few minutes later we were at his house. It was actually bigger than I thought. We pulled into his driveway and got all my bags, entering the house. I seen pictures of him and Kurt. Also with Burt and I'm guessing his mom Carole. As I was still looking at the pictures Finn came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist kissing my cheek. I turned around and captured his lips on mine. After we pulled away, I looked into his eyes seeing all the reasons why I loved him and knew that marriage was in our future. I can tell he felt the same. I grabbed his hand and we both sat on now our couch and talked about everything. We talked about my dads, mom and he told me about his dad. We talked for hours learning more about each other. We continued to talk as we unpacked my things and put them in his room which is now our room. After we talked and my things were unpacked we watched a movie and made dinner together. It was absolutely fun and as if there was nothing to worry about the next day. It didn't matter to us because we had it together. Once it was too late, we made our way into the bedroom and changed into our pajamas and laid in bed. I thought of everything. My dads, Finn, and moving in with the love of my life. I loved Finn with all my heart, everything he does and how he let me move in with him. I know me and Finn will be together forever. I love living with Finn already. I'm actually glad my dads told me to leave!

Sorry for late update. Vote and comment!!!!

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