The Arrival Of The Soviet Sisters - A HetaOni One Shot

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((Oh yeah, Soviet Sisters! BAM! I couldn't say, like, Soviet Siblings, cause, that's Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, so, I made this name up! (At least, I haven't heard anyone use it before...) ))

Russia ran down the hallways of the dark cavern. Solid rock surrounded him from above, the left, and to the right. But something felt off, and he had to figure out what. He passed a gaping hole and peered inside for a moment, before continuing towards a broken rope ladder. 

"They shouldn't be here," he muttered, referring to his older and younger sisters. "I mean, it'd be a problem if they were."

Footsteps could be heard behind him, and he turned in surprise, fearing that the monster had found him again, but it was only China and Japan.

"Russia! Prease wait!" Japan called, and his voice echoed. 

"What? What's the matter?" Russia asked. Surely something else couldn't be wrong.

"You - we told you not to go out on your own! And you're too damn fast!" China complained. Typical.

"W-were you just following me?"

"It would have been dangerous otherwise," Japan admitted.

Russia was silent for a moment, before smiling. "D-da. Thank you."

"So? I'm not even sure what we're doing down here. What's going on, aru?"

"Well... my sisters are looking for that hole up there. I have to tell them that they shouldn't come to this dangerous place for my sake, and that the enemy is out there too."

"Berarus and Ukraine?" Japan asked. "That is rearry dangerous. But it seems they have not yet found it, and this prace - "

"Russia!" Called a voice from above them.

"What?!" Russia responded, on instinct. "B-B-Belarus! Ukraine!" He seemed both excited to seem them, and scared, all at the same time.

"My dear brother! I found you!" For the first time since, well, ever, Belarus seemed concerned, and not just wanting to locate her brother just so she could ask him to marry her.

"Russia! Thank God!" Ukraine seemed to be a bit out of breath, and she put her hands on her knees to rest a bit. "I was really worried! Are you hurt?"

"My brother... brother, brother, brother!"

"Ugh... um.. anyway, why don't you two go back? I'm fine here, and, well.." Russia seemed to sweat a bit, and was shaking just the smallest bit.

"Russia! I'm coming down there right now! Please catch me, and I'll show you my new Belarus Lock while I'm at it!" Russia wasn't exactly sure he wanted to know what a 'Belarus Lock' was, and he knew that he wasn't going to let them come with him, Japan, and China.

"You can't, Belarus. You can't come here," Russia told her in a gentle voice. 

"Why not? I will overcome this height with the power of love! Catch me, Russia! And then we can get married!"

"What an intense little sister..." China muttered under his breath.

"No, go home..." Russia pleaded.

"No, I-"

"Go home, Belarus!" He shouted, and the words seemed to continue on even after he had closed his mouth. "Don't. At least this once, you can't come. I'm fine, so just go home with Ukraine."

"You know, Russia, today I'm on Belarus's side. We can't go home. I'm sorry," Ukraine said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"What?!" Russia exclaimed.

"Ukraine," Belarus said, surprised.

"You have made new friends, Russia. And so has Belarus."

"Oh..." Japan exhaled.

Time to read the mood, China thought.

"You don't seem to be hurt to bad, and if you were able to make such precious friends, you can definantly get out for them. If you can promise me that..." Ukraine continued, "We will both wait for you to get out. We can't go home, but can you at least let us wait for you?"

"Ukraine! You can't just decide that on your -" Belarus was cut off quickly by the sound of rocks falling, or a gunshot.

A gunshot? Japan thought.

There was only one person who had a gun around here... could it be? Belarus thought.

"That girl - what if she's been attacked by the enemy?!" Belarus asked, frantic.

What am I going to do? Now that I have finally found my brother, I don't want to part from him again! Belarus thought wistfully. But... what should I do? Where should I go? 

"Go, Belarus. Go help your friend. I'll be fine, really," Russia assured her.

"But, Russia, I want to be with you - "

"I'm sorry I told you to go home. I take it back, Belarus. I want you to be careful and wait for my return," Russia said calmly.

"Belarus, we have to go now - " Ukraine said.


"It's arright, Berarus. Your brother wirr definantry get out with us. We are arr in this together," Japan said.

"Well... yeah," China said.

"...Russia," Belarus said.


"I'm sorry. There's something I need to take care of now, so I can't be with you. So please... take this instead."

"Hm? A parcel?" Russia asked, picking it up. Unwrapping it, he smiled. "A new scarf! Did you buy it, Belarus?"

"Ukraine helped me pick it. Think of it as if it were me. Let's go, Ukraine," Belarus turned, and walked away.

"Right. Well, then, we'll be waiting for you at the exit. Take care," Ukraine said, before following her younger sister.

"Uh, okay. Thank you for the scarf! You, too, take care, Ukraine, Belarus!"

"You have such a nice famiry," Japan observed.

"What? Oh, yeah. I do."

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