#36 - Italy's 24 Hours

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Been given 24 hours, to tie up loose ends, to make amends

 The auburn-haired young man had made up his mind. The only possible way to keep his friends alive was to get rid of the weakest link in the group. Right? He glanced around at everyone at the table, sitting and eating, and laughing. Laughing... it had been so long since they had laughed.

His eyes said it all, I started to fall 

 His eyes met Germany's, and for what seemed like the first time, Germany smiled. The blonde nation was just happy that he was alive, that his brother was alive, that Italy and Japan were still here. Italy smiled weakly back at him, and Germany looked confused.. worried. Italy shook his head, showing that he was fine.

And the silence deafened

 Even though everyone was chatting in a seemingly endless way, but it didn't seem to reach Italy's ears. He had become 'deaf' because of his thoughts. What he was going to do. But all he wanted was his friends to be happy, and free, and alive.

Head spinning round , No time to sit down 

 He stood up suddenly, but nobody seemed to notice. If they did, they probably just assumed he was going to get more food, or go to the bathroom, or maybe lay down. Italy could feel Germany's stern gaze on him, and he froze a bit, just a few feet away from the table. He turned slowly, but nobody was watching him. Good. It would be harder if someone was watching him.

Just wanted to run and run and run

 He wanted to bolt out of the room, slam the door, lock it behind him. He wanted to hide the key, and leave them in the safe room. They could be safe, forever. But, he couldn't do that. There was a chance that they'd end up getting out somehow, and then they'd find what would be left of Italy, and... he shuddered, thinking about how sad everyone would be. But they would be happy when they would be able to get out!

Be careful they say, don't wish life away, now I've got one day...

He couldn't believe that just a few days ago, he had been hoping his life was over. Now, in 24 hours, he was going to finally free his friends from the mansion. But being faced with his death, he almost felt like running away. Almost. But he couldn't. Not now. Not ever. Waving his white flag wouldn't save everyone.

And I can't believe, how I've been wasting my time

He'd been stupid lately. Spending too much time with his friends instead of trying to remember things. Where he had hid things, sorting out everyone's scrambled memories, keeping everyone alive. Keeping the others safe when they went out to search for things and ran into the monster.

In 24 hours they'll be laying flowers on my life, it's over tonight

 In a few hours, the nations would be gathered around him, mourning. Or not. Maybe they would be happy Italy was gone. He was always the weakest, the most annoying, with his, "Pasta!" and constant cries of, "Veh!". The fact he couldn't fight, or do anything right. He took naps 99% of the day. Maybe with Italy gone, they'd have a better chance of getting out.

I'm not messing no, I need your blessing

 Maybe... maybe before he died, he would go and ask Germany and Japan what they thought of his plan. Of course, he'd have to lie, just a little. So that they would allow him to carry on with his plan.

And your promise to live free, please do it for me

One other thing - they had to promise that they would try their hardest to get free. Because that's all that honestly mattered to Italy. Getting his friends out. A while ago, his only priorities were food, naps, his country, and his friends. Now... it was a matter of life and death. Literally.

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