Italy's Lonely Hide And Seek

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Cue the opening scene, starting at page one, a story, about a lying clown who ended up a comedy, standing in laughing rain

A blonde male - about 19 - pressed his face against a window, grinning a bit. It was raining outside, and he had been lucky to have even found a window. There didn't seem to be that many in this God-forsaken mansion, and all of them were covered in dirt... and some red-brown dry stuff. And they didn't break.. at all. The boy had used all his remaining bullets to attempt to break a window, which had turned out to be a stupid decision. The bangs had cause the monster to find him and Arthur, and Arthur had died saving him. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a blank white bookmark. Arthur had told him that whenever the monster was close, a cat would appear on both sides of the strip of paper. But Alfred didn't believe him - mostly.

Dirty water staring back at me, nothing but a bitter mirroring, Calm and quiet painted everyday five hundred shades of grey

Everything outside seemed to be a disgusting color of brown, or grey, or both. He shivered. The trees outside the mansion had looked so healthy when they had first came there. Now they looked... sad. All the leaves were falling off. It wasn't fall already, was it?

Amplifying every love affair love the taste although there's nothing there, whether dreaming or reality hive minded symphony

Everyone had become confused inside the mansion. Time was screwed up, and whenever they broke a clock, they got different memories, or something. And that certainly wasn't helping with them getting out. He sighed.

Draw it in the bookmark of the end, bursting through the seams, the game we play is seeming to be...1713 

Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He jumped back, scared, threw his phone at the window, and then realized he THREW HIS PHONE AT A WINDOW and ran over to pick it up. Standing out on the screen was a message from Italy. "Want to play hide and seek?" it read. He grinned, and sent back, "Ha, sure, dude! This mansion is a great place to play!"

I brought it all to life, a real fantasy And ready to take the fruit from the tree Bite the hands that fight for even a taste Slowly going insane, choking my brain Ascending after rain, back to just the same

 He stood up, grinning, before running to find a place to hide, accidentally leaving his phone behind.

It's laughing at me, shaking shadow that breathes All I wanted was a turn of the page to get by, breaking boredom, and I'm killing time, "Why not play a game?" a normal line

Him and Italy had played tons of games before, the two of them loving to spend time together. I mean, it couldn't be fun for Italy, stuck with Japan and Germany all the time.

Calm and quiet painted everyday, oh we'll fix that right away!

Every single day at the mansion seemed the same. To be honest, if you stayed in the safe room, it got boring. And no matter what Italy said, everyone tried to sneak out at least once.

Demon hiding ever watching eyes, tasting iron like it's gonna slice, silk is red and ready in it's place, is it time to start the game?

Alfred continued to run, before stopping. Sure, the mansion was huge, but he should have at least heard Italy's footsteps! If Italy was in the safe room, he should've been on the floor above him. But he couldn't hear him...

In the hand, a ticket to the show, ticking of the clock, the hand, it takes your eyes from you...1203

Alfred shuddered as he passed a ticking clock, one of the only unbroken ones left. Somehow the clock seemed extremely loud, and the noise seemed to ring in his head.

It's ready steady go, we're playing hide and seek

Suddenly hearing a loud crash, Alfred dashed off, startled. He needed a place to hide, and fast! He didn't want to be one of those stupid people who didn't hide before the 'seeker' came and found them!

"I guess that the first to be IT is me"

The monster said to himself, in his broken voice, before setting out. He started out on the fourth floor - it was much more fun when nations hid up there! More space to run, more stairs to climb, and fall down. Ha. He loved when that happened. The look of terror on their face was absolutely satisfying.

Crying noise, the TV talking to me, I see "It's not a game, the real thing!"

Alfred remembered - absurdly - the night he had went over to Italy's to play some video games. A simple thing, and Japan was there, too!  They had ending up watching some videos, and Japan warned them about one titled... "Hide and Seek Alone"? It seemed stupid - who would want to play hide and seek alone? That was boooorrrriiiinnngggggg~ After not watching the video, they returned playing the game.

"120's more than easy to be beat," Laughing away, you say this eagerly

Alfred had gotten frustrated with the game, and skipped a level, mostly because Italy took him the next one was easier. Not that he was a wimp or anything! Nope, not at all.

"You're up next to play the monster referred to as IT"

The monster muttered sadistically to himself.

Suddenly I heard something really abnormal, talking on about some people living, dead, or soon to be

"Now the one to die today is the innocent you," Is that a fact? A premonition? But your face won't give away

Alfred had carried around the radio, finding it kind of fun to screw with the channels, mainly to find one that was in English. So far, all he had found was an American news station, but that was good enough for him! He just hated listening to the politics - as if he didn't have enough problems already. But when the alarming report came on, he almost dropped the radio in alarm. 

Look now I've had enough, look now you've seen too much, so let us start the final chapter as we turn the page

Screw it. He RAN OUT OF THERE, leaving the radio behind, even though - well, Italy had said it could be useful, but nuh-uh, not when it said he was gonna die! Pfft- stupid radio.

Aa, ready? Here I come! Aa, ready? Here I come! You're ready or you're not, it doesn't matter, here I come!

The monster smirked before stomping around a bit more, checking every other room for the American, until he finally found him. Wanting to 'play' for longer, he slashed Alfred across his face, and Alfred screamed.

I brought it all to life, a real fantasy, and dying away, the fruit in the tree, falling like the rain that sweeps me away, leading me blind, a paranormal find. I'm playing all alone, eyeing my demise, but that isn't right, summer's shadow is by

Alfred tried to run, but it was practically useless. He was currently half-blind - the monster had hit his eye while attempting to - well, he didn't know. Rip his face off? Yeah, seemed legit.

With a grin, the demon breaking their lips muttered, "Well, looks like I win." It's ready steady go! We're playing hide and seek, "But who is the demon we really seek?"

Alfred tripped, and started to cry out of hopelessness, loss for Arthur, his own pain. His salty tears mixed with the blood, stinging the cuts beneath his eye.

Prologue read aloud in sarcasm all about, "How do you play the perfect crime?" A rumor in the sun, a game for only one, the cat on the bookmark returns again

Alfred felt something crushed in his pocket, and pulled out the bookmark. A small black cat appeared on it, and he groaned. Could it not have shown up earlier? Great job, Arthur. No- wait, never mind. Thanks, Arthur. You tried to save him. Tried. Too bad...-

"You're up next to play the monster referred to as IT"

The monster placed a claw on his chest, over his heart, before whispering, "tAg, YoU'rE iT," and, well.. you know what happens next. Alfred and Arthur got to see each other again - and they would meet again in the next time loop.

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