HeadCanon #1

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There's a radio in the mansion - one of the only pieces of technology that works. The nations can't contact someone through the radio - all they can do is listen to it. The radio is stuck on one channel, in different languages. What they don't know is that the radio tells their deaths from other time loops, and their future deaths.

"Hey! Dude, look over here!" America shouted from a different room. England shushed him - they didn't want to draw the monster's attention to themselves.

"What is it now, America?" The Brit asked, walking over to him.

"It's a radio, dude! Don't tell me you're so old, you don't know what they are!"

England rolled his eyes. "Of course I know what a radio is, git."

"Well, now we can listen to all the awesome songs!"

Prussia peeked his head out of the safe room down the hall, and asked, "Did someone say awesome?"

America nodded, and ran over to him, carrying the radio. England sighed, and followed, still at a relatively quick pace. He couldn't afford for the monster to suddenly appear, and kill him.

Later, after the safe room was locked, they all gathered around the radio. Italy poked it. "Does it work?" He didn't remember finding a radio in any of the time loops.

A few moments later, it crackled to life. But in... Russian?

"Russkiy chelovek, Ivan Braginskiy, nayden mertvym v dome. Ubit golove buduchi udaril v stenu neskol'ko raz," it said.

Russia stepped back a bit, seeming... scared? "We should - we should kill it, da?"

"Kill the radio? Dude, are you insane?!" America said, angered.

The radio became filled with static, and then another report came on.

"Preußischen Mann, Gilbert Beilschmidt, tot in Haus. Starb an Magen großen Wunden. Kein Tatverdächtiger gefunden."

Germany and Prussia moved closer to each other, their faces pale. "For zhe first time ever, I agree vizh Russia. Zhat radio needs to go," Prussia said.

"Why? I don't hear anything..." Italy complained.

"Due fratelli italiani, Feliciano e Lovino Vargas, trovato morto in casa. Lovino è morto di un attacco di cuore - Feliciano ha subito ferite allo stomaco estreme. Nessun sospetto trovato."

Feliciano and Lovino quickly moved together, holding hands.

America sighed in defeat. "I just wanted to listen to music..."

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