#34 - Italy's Game Of Life - Parody SongShot

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The first loop was so boring just forget I mentioned it

Italy flipped through the pages of the journal, sighing. So many memories... so many loops... so many deaths...

And the second seemed to let me do all of the things the first loop didn't 

In the second loop, he was able to unlock more doors, and his friends were able to stay with him just a little bit longer... but that meant the world to him, even getting to be with them for a few seconds longer.

 Third loop I was a hateful man all poison to the bone

 Truth by told, in the third loop, England was a jerk. He was.. well, he wanted to get them out, but he was determined to do it himself.

In the fourth, I played piano...

 Canada sat at a beautiful white piano, staring at the keys and the two torn pieces of paper in his hands, before quietly pressing the keys.

...but just didn't have the eyes to read the notes

 England gently reaches out in front of him. His entire world was black... and it always would be, whether he was blind in the next loop, or not. He listened closely to someone playing the piano, but he couldn't tell what the notes were.

In the fifth loop, I supported them - of course that wasn't all

 Italy looked over the half-wall at the sleeping, bleeding nations. He had brought them here, tried his best to fix them.

The sixth loop was corrupted though I guess it was little fun

 In the sixth loop, England had taken charge - trying to defeat the thing on his own. Although... Italy did get to spend a bit more time with his friends... just a bit... even a mere few seconds.

Seventh loop I cried so much and all I did was mourn

 Italy curled up and leaned against the wall, biting his bottom lip to prevent himself from crying, but it didn't work. Hot tears rolled down his face, as much as he tried to stop them. He had been useless this loop, hadn't he? He did nothing but stare at the pictures he drew, and cry over them.

In the eighth loop, I was so sure I save them all and EVERYTHING

 But the next loop, he was determined. Nobody had died in a day... that had to be a good sign. Maybe this loop would be the one he would save them! There was a chance, and he couldn't risk making any mistakes now.

All our lives are games played by a monster

 Italy lay on his bed, half-asleep, his mind filled with strange pictures, the main ones being a grey figure, sitting against a wall and holding what looked like a poker chip. In front of the monster was a blood-painted clock. The figure seemed to fight with himself before throwing the poker chip, and it landed in the center. The figure opened it's mouth, almost in a gruesome smile, and wrote, in blood, "iTaLy".

He gambles every life

 Seemingly to Italy, this was the way the monster chose his next victim. He had already killed them all at least twice each, so instead of ruthlessly going after them, he would choose by throwing the poker chip. Every number represented a nation, and whichever number the poker chip landed on would be the one the monster would aim to kill. If he met any others on his trip to kill the specific nation, he would simply kill whichever one was in his way.

Try to escape but you know the path you're on is game and set

See, the nations could try to escape, of course they could. But if the thing kept going with his game, then there was no way they could all get out.

See how the game of life is playing all of us for fools

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