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Updates :

- Deleting the headcanons. Don't worry, their going to be written again, as short stories.

- I'm still working on a few requests, but they should be up soon!

- The book's title is going to be changed to HetaOni : Collection because let's be honest, it's a heck load more than quotes.

- Speaking of quotes! If you remember any that you love, and that I missed, PLEASE send them in!

- Don't forget to send in requests, okay you guys?

- I have an idea. There's the HetaOni soundtrack, from the game. So I'm going to do a little bot of a challenge for myself. None of the songs have words yet, but I'll write a short story while listening to one of the songs on loop. Any SongShot with the sound track in it will say : (Soundtrack) _______.

HetaOni : CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now