#35 - Italy's Hide And Seek (which actually DOESN'T involve Italy..)

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(Lyrics belong to Jubyphonic on YouTube!)

(Dedicated to Em, who's going to kill me when she reads this!)

(To Em : Please don't kill me! I still wanna watch Les Mis with you, and you can't do it without me! So, yeah, I don't wanna die! I have my whole life ahead of me!)

Ding Dong hurry up I’m waiting

 A man ran down the halls of the mansion, mainly a blur. His messy brown hair flew into his face, and he constantly had to brush it away so that he could see where he was going. How horrible would it be, dying because he ran into a wall? The man's name was Spain, but he preferred to be known by his new, human name. Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. The only way that he could remember it was the fact that it had ran off the side of the paper they signed. Him, and all the other trapped nations.

 Far too late to run

 Somewhere in the back of his metaphorical-tomato-filled-brain was the thought that he couldn't run. Well, he could, but he couldn't! It was like one of his own horror movies - the antagonist was so slow, you thought, "Oh, they're going to get out," and then they turn a corner, and BAMMMM. The protagonist, the one everyone loved, was dead.

Away to see if I can catch you

 But... this could be different! He absolutely REFUSED to let this become one of those cliche horror games, where everyone died... pfft, that wouldn't happen! The countries were way to smart for that!

Ding Dong hurry up I’m starving

 Hm... what did the monster do when it caught you? He remembered getting a message on his phone last night, which was weird, seeing that nobody had cell service in the mansion. The message had said, in really bad typing, "co me play hide n seek". 

Waiting for you here

 Meanwhile, waiting on the other side of the hallway, was the monster. He opened his mouth, showing his teeth in a way that could hardly be described as a smile. All he had to do was wait...

I know that you are near so come out

 Where was that stupid Spaniard? Maybe he'd gotten lost while running away. No, that wouldn't do. They were playing Hide And Seek, not Go-Look-For-The-Person-Who-Got-Lost-While-Running-Away-From-A-Monster!

Staring through the window

 Antonio ran towards a door. Second floor... second floor... which room was this? The bedroom! Of course! He reached into his pocket and fumbled with the key, fitting it into the keyhole, and dashing inside. He sat down next to a window, and looked outside. Was it just his imagination, or did it seem like there was ANOTHER monster, patrolling outside?

No escape from my cold gaze now

 Another monster... that couldn't be good at all! Even if they DID get out, they'd just be killed by the second monster. So all there work to get outside would be a waste!

Wait a minute, since when had he started thinking like this? Since Romano's death, that's when. He had tried his best to keep a smile and a happy attitude, but it was so hard, when Roma was gone. 

Tearing through your eyelids

 He closed his eyes, but somehow, all he could see was the monster, staring at him, chasing him... killing Romano... He opened his eyes quickly, trying his best to forget the horrifying things he had just seen.

HetaOni : CollectionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя