--Finale-- Fire

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A broken radio sat by -------'s feet, spouting words in a language they didn't understand. To them, it just seemed like gibberish, but somewhere, inside this lonely house, someone would understand. But who? Most of the languages sounded the same, or at least similar, but who was ------ to judge? 

Taking a step forward into ongoing darkness, ------- felt their foot hit something solid, which instantly shattered into dusty, red-stained pieces. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was a clock, now more broken than it had been before. The clock hands were bent and twisted, and almost unnaturally sharp, as if they were knives instead of copper strips. Assuming they may need protection further on, they snapped the clock hands off the clock, slipping it into their pockets and moving on.

In front of them were extremely familiar faces, faces of their friends, their enemies, their acquaintances. They all stood in a half circle, a lit candle at their feet. 

Except for Feliciano. He stood in the center, surrounded by a ring of weak fire. He smiled weakly at -----, and everyone surrounding them kept silent, somber faces, just barely lit by the candle light.

"You came," Feliciano said bluntly.

----- nodded, a little scared. What was going on? They were deeply confused, but it seemed as if they were unable to speak, frozen with fear.

"Why?" He cried, looking hurt. "I asked you to stay behind! I-" He broke down, the flames barely licking his cheeks, though it didn't seem to hurt him too much. 

"Do you just think I'm weak like everyone else?!" He continued, and turned to face Ludwig. "Just like him?" 

When he said this, Germany calmly picked up the candle at his feet, blew it out, and suddenly fell to the ground, dead, the candle turning red in his open hands.

"You think I'm weak just like Kiku does! And Alfred! And fratello, and Antonio-" he stopped, staring at the people around him as Kiku, Alfred, Lovino, and Antonio blew out their candles, joining Germany in.. wherever nations went when they died.

"Feliciano, you're killing them!" ----- shouted.

"They can all die! They can! It's past our time. It's past our time. We're out of time. We're out of time. We're out of time!" He shouted, and waved his hand, and a ticking sound was heard, before a horrible, ear-splitting scream from Feliciano as the clocks ticked. "Stop, stop, stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!" A simultaneous shattering noise rang through the room, and Feliciano seemed satisfied.

"They're dead. The clocks are dead. Just like my friends. Just like my friends," he grinned sickly. "I'm happy now. Now the clocks are dead. Ha- just like Yao. And Ivan, and Arthur, and Francis, and Matthew. Everyone is dead- except one person. One, last, stupid, horrible person. One last person who's not dead."

----- stepped back, scared. Was Feliciano about to-

"Give me the clock hands. In your pocket. I know they're there, I know, I know, I know, I know! Give them to me! Now," he commanded, holding out his hands and standing up. Shaking, they handed it to Feliciano, bracing themself. What if Feliciano hurt them, like stabbed them or mauled them to death?

No, that was silly. This was Feliciano! Silly, sweet, innocent Feliciano. Sweet Feliciano who wouldn't hurt anyone-

Except he did.

Feliciano held the clock hands in his hands, flipping them over and smiling, looking at his reflection in the copper. 

"Si, si, I like this. Sharp. Sharp. Perfect. Perfect. I like this. Si, si," he mumbled, holding the knife-like weapon over his head. "Aha-" he laughed dryly. "Ahaha! Ha... ahaha.."

Closing his eyes, he quickly thrust the long clock hand into his chest, and it pierced deeply into his skin, blood instantly spurting out. His eyes opened wide, and he tried to scream, but only coughed up blood.

The flames began sputtering weakly as Feliciano fell, landing straight into the fire. The flames quickly engulfed his blood stained clothes, and he managed a weak whimper, before the fire completely became smoke, leaving -------- alone in almost complete darkness. They could barely make out Feliciano's burned and bloodied body, and they ran over to it, just to check if maybe, by some miracle, he was alive.

He wasn't.

Then something started happening. A sort of grey color started spreading through his body, and his open eyes became a horrible, all black color. His body began twisting and moving on it's own, gowning bigger and deforming to create the monsterous Oni that had been chasing them all this time.

All this time, Feliciano was controlling the Oni in some sick way. He was the puppetmaster behind the show, and the Oni and his friends had just been his toys.

A wheezing sound came from Feliciano- no, the Oni- and it sounded almost like laughter. Striking up some sort of courage, ------ picked up Feliciano's tattered jacket, and held it close to their chest. feeling something in the pocket.

A piece of paper.

They began to read, backing away slowly from the monster.

'Grandpa, I XXXXed them.'

 The monster's smiling face was the last thing they saw, before-

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