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"Tenn-nii!!" A small child runs towards a black car , panting and crying . " Tenn-nii...don't leave me.." Riku broke down and kneel on the ground crying loudly . His parents came and carries him up and went back home. No matter how they talked to him it was no use. Without any choice , they are forced to leave Riku alone in his room . "Tenn-nii..." He sobs , curling into his blanket which have The smell of his twin . ( not trying to be gross lmao )

It is bedtime for children. Everyone is preparing for bed but a man in a black suit came to the orphanage." I would like to adopt this child." The man shows a picture of a girl to the director  of the orphanage.

"Aya ,come here!"The director  calls her ." Ah...hai."   " What's wrong Aya?" Tamaki asks." Nothing's wrong Nii-san . The director is calling me . Please go ahead and sleep first ." Aya smiles." All right , come back soon your done all right? " Tamaki pats her head . Aya nodded then went to where the director is." Aya,This is Kujou Takamasa .He will be adopting you ." Aya is shock and felt sad ." I-if I get adopted ...can you adopt Nii-san too?" Aya asks bravely to the man. " I'm sorry that  I would have to say no . I'm only interested in you and I will make you into a famous idol in the future ." Kujou bends down and pats her head. Unknown to them , Tamaki was hiding at a spot spying on them. As he heard the news he jumps out from the corner ." You can't take Aya ! She's my sister !" Tamaki shouted . He wanted to grab Aya's hands but the director blocked him . "Come on let's go." Kujou pulls Aya's arm and went into a black car . " Nii-san...!"  " Aya!!!!" Tears falling down their faces while calling for each other . " Tamaki-kun , please go to bed now ." The director orders him . "No! That man took Aya away!! I must chase after that car! I-" before he could continue shouting , the director slaps him . " ENOUGH! you don't want to receive any punishment don't you?" Tamaki shakes his head." Good , now go to bed." Tamaki follow his orders and went back to bed silently . He couldn't sleep , he cries very hard in is blanket. After his mother passed away, his father abandoned them . Aya is the only one by his side , but now the only person by his side was taken away .He is now officially alone .

Days have passed , news about a terrorist group are all around the city . Most people are now really careful when they are outside , some are still enjoying their everyday life . Too bad that no one can predict the future , that the city is going to be attack tonight .

Soon enough , the night came . The terrorists started invading the homes and buildings , destroying and killing anyone at sight . Riku fell asleep from crying earlier but woke due to a sound of a gunshot . He rubs his puffy eyes ." Tenn-Nii..." He try not to cry anymore and went downstairs to find his parents .

BANG!! He heard a loud bang from the living room . He ran towards the sound and his eyes widen . A man with a black mask on it killed his parents . Pool of blood are leaking out of their body , almost reaching Riku's feet . Tears immediately falls down from his cheeks . He was going to shout for his parents but he felt the gun is pointing at him . His face turns into an angry one , feeling wanting to have revenge . Before the man can shoot he hits the mans hand , causing his grip of the gun loosen . At that moment , Riku quickly snatches over the gun and shoots him . Bang bang bang

Bullets falls to the ground. The man was shot right into his heart , dying on the ground . Riku's hands are shaking , and he began to hyperventilate . An army steps into his house and saw this , his eyes widen in shock . He quickly calms Riku down and takes the gun away from him . He made a report to the army's HQ and listens for his orders.  " Kid, you're coming with me ." Seeing that Riku's mind is now blank , he sighs and carries him to a certain place .

Tamaki could not sleep well these days because of the lack of his sister's presence. No matter how he roll on bed he can't fall asleep. Boom!  He heard explosion. I sat up and open up the window to look outside. His eyes widen as he saw a lady was killed in front of his eyes. He steps back in fear and trips over himself, making his butt fall on the ground .

Suddenly the door of the orphanage was slammed open. He heard screams and saw blood everywhere. Some of the the childrens including the director and caretakers are all killed.

I can't die here!  Not until I find Aya! 

He musters up his courage and bravery,  he got up and runs to the kitchen as fast as possible. His eyes scan the room for something that could defend him.

Just then, he was attracted by something sharp and shiny. He took the knife out and went out to hide. It is a good thing that hiding is his speciality, he is used to hiding so that the director would not see him eating King Pudding.

He saw 3 men came inside and kills everyone else. His hands are shaking, he bit his lip and his behind the door, waiting for them to come. As they reach where he was hiding, he grips the knife tightly and stabs the men roughly. They dropped the guns and fell down in pain . Without any hesitation, Tamaki grabs the gun and shot them , making sure they're dead.

At the same time,  an Army saw this and made a report to the HQ. "I went into the orphanage but it was to late, A kid survived by killing the terrorists . What should we do with him? " The Army received his orders and walk towards Tamaki.  "Hey kid, don't worry I hurt you,  I'm one of the Armies of Japan. You are following me now. " He grabs Tamaki's hand and brings him to a place that only the Armies know.

I know I should be continuing my other stories but my brain keep telling me to write this .^_^¦¦¦ (I dunno yy)

Anyway hope you like it! 
What is your opinion for this story?  Comment down bellow to let me know.  :)

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