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Aya drops the phone to the ground. "Onii-chan.... *sniff " "Aya, Aya?  You all right?  " Tenn sounded worried over the phone. Aya wipes her tears and pick the phone back up. "I'm fine Tenn nii-san, just... Shocked. " Tenn smiles sadly from the other side. "I was like that when i heard it too. Apparently my brother was there during the incident. " "...I'm sorry Tenn nii-san. " " iie, I'm all right now, it's getting late now, see you tomorrow in Japan then. Byebye" "byebye."


"WAKEY WAKEYYYYY! " Karma throws Nagisa's blanket to the floor. Nagisa did not feel anything and continued to snuggle with his pillow. "Seems like I don't have any choice now. " Karma grabs a horn and place it beside Nagisa's ear.


Nagisa jumped and covers his ears tightly. "What do you think your doing Karma-Kun! I'm gonna be deaf ."he cried.  "We gotta prepare now for the fan meeting! " "But it's only goddamn 5am. " "Seriously Nagisa, do you think we're the only ones going? There're going to be millions of fan queing right now, we have to be fast! "

"Hmm~what's all the fuss? " Erin came in their room. "Senpai, why are u awake this early? " Nagisa asks. "Early? But I wake on this time everyday. "He smiles. Karma notices his pale face and dark circles. "Erin senpai... Omae, daijobu? Your face looks pale. "  Erins eye widens.' Is it that obvious ?' He thought. "Maa maa, you both better hurry and get dressed. The others seems to be ready. "Erin tells them. Karma and nagisa then rush to get ready while Erin sits on their bed polishing his kunai collections.

The sky is still dark and there are no traffic jams. Everything is going smooth until....

"Woah isn't this too much"chuuya sweatdroped. A sea of people are already queing out side the hall ."I wanna go back to my bed."Lazu yawns. "This is sure going to be a long day... "Chuuya sighed. Indeed, it is a long day. It took 30 minutes to reach and now they don't even know how long will they need to queue to see their idols.

"Hurry up your ass Gaku, I won't allow lateness. "Tenn bosses him. "Shut up brat! It's not even late yet. " Gaku argues back. "Maa... Now is not the time for this. Manager is waiting for us, hurry up. "Ryuu manage to stop them fighting but it didn't stop them from glaring each other. It is 7am when they reached the destination , the staffs are still preparing the their fans are all waiting outside. "Wow, I wonder how early they came to queue ."Ryu saw the sea of people from the window."Tenn nii-san!" "Aya? what are you doing here?" They hugs each other."I came to help as one of the staffs! Kujou-san said it'll give me experience for my future career." She smiles."heh then you better not mess up." Tenn smirks "TRIGGER get ready, the fanmeet is about to start. "Anesagi called them. "Im going now, see you later. " "hm!"

Finally the doors are open , the fanmeet have officially started. It took an hour till it's their turn. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it's my turn aaaaaaaa! " karma fanboyed . "Is my hair messy? " Nagisa asks Karma. "Does my hat look good? " chuuya asks dazai. "Nah it looks so bad that I wanna kill somebody. "  "You look really great chuuya! " Erin says it before they could start a fight. "Hmph! See that dazai, Erin's visions are so much better than you. "

"Omg Yaotome-san! It's a pleasure to meet you in person! "Karma is trying
hard not to explode and goes same to the others except lazu and erin . They got what they wanted, a handshake, conversations and signature. Of course Lazu just walk off making TRIGGER confused. "Oh I'm not a fan, just accompanying them. "Lazu points at his gang. "All right, next please...!!! " riku??!  "Yo, Kujou Tenn. It's been awhile isn't it? "

Eeeek cliff hanger

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