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/ _ ;   Literally my fav song now , it's so DEEP and relatable

The fan meet is over after 2 hours. The staffs are cleaning the venue while TRIGGER are allowed to go home after they changed their clothes . "Tch that dangerous red head , should we blacklist him? " Anesagi asks . "No need for that manager ." Tenn actually felt glad that Riku came to him .

"Hey Let's go back to the dorm for now ." Gaku said . "I'm sorry I can't go back now , I have somewhere to go ." Tenn pulls up his mask and wears a pair of sunglasses .

"A re(japanese word a re あれ, not eng word 'are') , where are you planing to go Tenn?" Ryuu looks at him. Tenn mouthed 'nothing' and left. " suspicious ....." "Maa ma we shouldn't pry too much ." Ryuu pulls Gaku's collar to his car and drives back to the dorm .

Tenn followed the address and walks carefully so he won't get recognised . "Should be somewhere around here..." He mumbled. A finger pokes him from behind . " Yo." The red head smiles .

"Riku." Too much emotions are flowing in his heart. There's so many mixed feelings that he don't know what to say . "TskTsk Kujou-san , just how many times have you called me 'Riku'? " Erin shakes his head in disappointment . "Remember the name Erin." He pokes Tenn's forehead.

"You called me out here Ri—Erin , what date do you mean. We're both guys." Tenn sounded confused. " a date isn't only meant for straight couples you know ~" Erin hummed.

A d-d-date ? With my TWIN? But we're brothers ! Tenn blushes. "Ah your face is red " Erin's comment just made it worser. "By the way , what's with that outfit ! " he complains at what Tenn is wearing . " I can't wear clothes that would make me stand out you know , I'm an idol ." Erin sighed at Tenn's words . He gives up complaining about Tenn's clothing style .

They walked together around the city and entered a mall. "Oya ? Kujou-san look at that! Doesn't that look cool?" Erin points at the cosplay that was displaying in the shop .

"Do you want to try it?" The staff saw Erin's interest in it . "Yes please!" He agrees immediately. "Oi I didn't not agree to this." "Come on ~this is a date . A DATE." He pulls Tenn's arm and enter the shop.

"This two looks fitting for both of you !" The staff shows them two cosplay costumes . "Ooh! We will try this thank you !" Erin take the clothes and drags Tenn to the fitting room . "Wear this Kujou-san , I'm positive it'll look great on you " Erin smiles.  Tenn knew he couldn't of anything and listened to his words. He sighed while changing .

This is actually quite difficult to put on ...Tenn thought . "Are you done ~?" Erin's voice echoed from outside with excitement .

Tenn steps out when he's done and stares at Erin. "Fufufu, I look really good right? Cosplaying as an Onibi suits me well ."  "Mn, you look great ." Tenn smiles . "A kyuubi Kujou-san! I love you in this form~" Erin seduces him .

"There's a photo shoot service here too dear customers—*gasp* Tenn-sama? ! " the staff fangirls .

Shit I forgot about my disguise ! Tenn cursed mentally . " No no no staff-san , you have mistaken him . How on earth would a famous idol walk around in a mall without bodyguards ? He's not Kujou Tenn." Erin lies. The staffs was somehow convinced that Tenn is not the idol she know .

After the whole commotion they were taken into a room and start posing for the pictures . At last they got the pictures printed out and changed back to their normal clothes . "This is such a cute photo ~ here , this is your pack ." Erin hands him the pictures . Tenn stares at the photos , mostly looking at how cute Erin was with tiny horns .

They sat down at a boba tea cafe , they ordered their drinks and chat while drinking it  .

"Ne~ I've been wondering , who is this Riku you always say."  "Riku...he is my brother ." Tenn looks at Erin in the eye .

" heh~I did not expect you to have a sibling ." Erin sips his drink . " I also have been wondering about something ." Tenn confessed. Erin signal him to go on .

" What is your surname ? I did not hear you mention it in your name ." Tenn asks seriously .

"Hm~that's because I got no parents . I don't really have any memories of my childhood tho " Erin shrugs.

"Another question , where did you get that blue pendant from ?"

Erin lifts up the blue pendent that was hanging around his neck ."hmmm , I don't know . It's been with me since forever . " Erin frowns .

"Why did you let your hair grow ?"

"Because—......" Erin paused . "Because ....." He frowns even harder.

"Why did you forget about it?" This time a red headed kid with no eyeballs looks at him . Blood continuously drips down . 

"Ngh Aaaaaah!" Erin grabs his head . What is this ?! My head is hurting so fucking bad ! Erin pants while griping his head harder and harder .

"Riku!! "

that name again....Ngh it's making my head hurting even more !

"Shit!" Wasting no time Tenn calls the ambulance . "Hold on Riku, the ambulance is on the way!" Tenn hugs him .

"Hold on Riku, I'm getting mom and dad!" The voice echoed in his head .  "Sounds familiar right?" The kid smiles. "Mom , dad and ****-nii. How could you forget how their existence and their looks . Because you don't remember how they look you made me lost my eyes ! " The kid cried . But instead of dripping tears , he is crying blood out.

Erin shivered . "Who are they I don't know ....I d-don't know anything don't ask me! AAHHH!" Erin turned crazy . "Riku! " Tenn is lost , he got no idea what should he do.

Some passerby look at them in pity  , some ignores. It is understandable that such noise will receive attention .

Finally Sirens are heard from a distance . Tenn sighed gladly that they're here. " Please! Help him!" He hands over Erin to the medics in panic. "Ahhgh!! I DONT KNOW ANYTHING!" Erin began to trash everywhere .

The medics have to no choice but to knock him out . "This should keep him stable for a moment . " they gave Erin a dose of syringe . Tenn bowed deeply to them .

Of course as a brother he will go to the hospital along with the ambulance . He grabs Erin's hand tightly , whispered something soft and painful in a trembling voice.

I'm so so sorry Riku......

(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ Spent 2hrs on this (1am+~3am) じゃお休みなさい~ハピーリーディング

Btw should I add other i7 members in this story?

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