(2) The Boys Are Home

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Delilah stayed behind and put the finishing touches on their apartment while the girls went to pick up the boys. She had her long red hair curled in loose curls and a white sweater with one shoulder falling off and a pair of white knee socks and black knee high boots on. She was pouring herself a glass of white wine when they all walked in. 

"Boys this is our room mate Delilah Ann."  Natasha said

"You could of just said Delilah Nat." Delilah said as she rounded the counter top.

"Hi Delilah Im Steve.. this is Sam Clint and Bucky." Steve said 

"Hi it's very nice to meet you all." Delilah said as she shook their hands

"It's very nice to meet you Delilah." Sam said

"How come she does come talk to us when we call you all atleast I bet she would tell us if you girls are behaving." Clint said 

"Oh they do.. I crack the whip around here that's why they are doing so good with class." Delilah said

"That's good considering Nat and Wanda sucked at school." Bucky said 

"We did not." they both said in unison.

"Who out of all of us together got put on academic probation more and who wasn't allowed to be cheer captain you two." Bucky said

Wanda rolled her eyes and said "That was high school this is nursing school and the reason why she doesn't sit in on phone calls is cause she's normally locked in her room doing her own homework or she's cooking or cleaning she's like our mother hen she takes care of us. She's the one that made our stockings." 

"Yeah I have 3 kids that don't know how to put clothes in a laundry basket so we spend 30 minutes picking it all up." Delilah said

"I just don't see the point." Sutton said

"The point is they are not on the floor Sutton..." Delilah said

"Go look in her room it's like a freaking organized everything in it's place almost like what pictures look like when you look for organization on pinterest." Sutton said 

Delilah bit her lip and said "I was raised that way Sutton it's not like I'm trying to be a bitch." 

Natasha said "Yeah yeah.. you are a red head honey we are all a little bitchy." 

Delilah went back to get her wine glass and said "Beer is in the fridge boys." 

Bucky went over to the kitchen and got himself a beer and opened it and then walked over to her and said "Let me guess military brat." 

"How did you know?' she said

"I was raised the same way my dad is a Colonel." he said 

"My dad is a Lt Colonel and my brother is a Sgt Major." she said 

"Wow.." he said

"And I'm a grand daughter to two General Brigidier's." she said

"Damn.." Bucky said 

She smiled and said "I'm the first girl since my mom." 

"Wow.." he said 

"Okay food is here. We do have a dinner plan for Christmas day night so here's our dinner tonight I know how much you boys love Buffalo Wild Wings so we had some delivered for your first night home." Wanda said 

"Hell yeah" Bucky said as he found his box. 

Delilah found her box and sat up on the bar top and leaned against the post and started to eat.  She sat down on the couch after she was done and Bucky was sitting beside her and he whispered "So where's your boyfriend?' 

She smiled and said "I don't have one anymore." 

"Oh.." he said 

They all started talking and drinking then Nat said "Okay Steve let's turn in." 

Then everyone else started to turn in and left Bucky and Delilah alone. "Um Delilah do you mind if I use your bathroom to change." 

"No I don't mind.." She said 

She opened the door to her room and said "It's over there." 

She went into her closest and changed into a t shirt and left her socks on and went back out to the couch after she grabbed a pillow and a blanket for him. He came out and said "Thank you Delilah." 

"Your welcome. I'm not really tired do you want to hang out some more." she said

"Sure..I don't mind." he said 

She laid down on the inside of the couch on her side and he laid beside her and faced her. She pulled the blanket on them and she said "So is Bucky really your name?'

He smiled and said "No my real name is James Buchanan Barnes. Bucky comes from Buchanan my dad is a James so I found a way to give myself a nick name for my friends to call me so when they were over it wouldn't get confusing. I prefer it over James unless well.. I um." 

"Unless you are in bed." She said with a smile. 

"Well Bucky doesn't sound as sexy when a girl is screaming Bucky I learned that during my first experience." he said

She giggled and he said "Shut up." 

"I'm sorry.." she said 

"So can I ask why your last relationship ended?' he said as he started to draw circles on her thigh under the blanket. 

"My ex fiancée was killed over seas like two weeks before we were suppose to get married 3 years ago." she said 

"Oh Delilah I'm sorry." he said 

"No it's fine atleast you aren't being like my family whose all like you need to move on Delilah." she said

"That's not really fair." he said 

"Yeah I know." she said 

"So when is your Christmas dinner is tomorrow?' he said

"It's at 1 I'm trying to decide if I want to go or not. Why?' he said 

"Well cause my mom is having one tomorrow night for everybody so you can go to that." he said 

"Thanks." she said 

They talked for another hour and then she got up and went to her room. 

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