(15) Baby #2

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On Valentine's day they found out that baby #2 was going to be girl and her mouth dropped open said 'Are you sure?' 

"Yes I"m sure." Dr Foster said 

"Wow..Okay. thank you." she said 

They left the medical center and they got to the car and he said "Oh now I'm even more excited to be here this time." 

She smiled and said "Cause it's a girl."

":Oh yeah daddy's girl baby." he said as he kissed her knuckles and winked at her. 

They got picked Elijah from the daycare they use for when she has doctor's appointments or when she needs to go grocery shopping. Then after that they went home and called the rest of the family and let them know that baby #2 is a girl. 

That night as they were laying in bed they had her IPAD scouring the internet for a name for her. "Charlotte Marie Barnes." she said 

"Perfect baby absolutely perfect. But why Charlotte?' he said

"I'm pretty sure when we went to Charlotte for our a late anniversary get away we made her there." she said 

"oh god baby that's mean to name her after the city we conceived her in." he said 

"What I like it and we can call her Charlie for short." she said 

"Okay..let's go to sleep I"m tired." he said 


On June 10th Delilah went into labor with Charlotte and she pushed her out at 1230 PM and she came out crying and screaming. Bucky cut her cord and wiped tears as he did and he whispered "OH god baby she's beautiful." 

They brought Charlotte to Delilah and she started to feed her and she saw green eyes and little bits of red hair. "Mama's mini" she whispered. 

Bucky smiled and gently cradled the back of his daughter's head and said "God baby she's beautiful." 

"That she is." she said 

Bucky was wrapped around Charlotte's tiny finger any time she made any noise he jumped awake if he was sleeping. 

When Charlotte was 3 months old Bucky had to go on a 6 months deployment and he kissed Delilah who had tears and he said "Baby god I don't want to do this now. I don't want to leave you and the kids." as he rested his forehead against hers as tears fell down his cheeks.

"I know baby." she said through tears.

"I'll be home soon okay." he said

"okay I love you." she said

He wiped tears and kissed Elijah and said "You take care of mama and sissy okay you be my big boy." Then he kissed Charlotte and said "Baby girl daddy will be back soon I love you princess." as he kissed her forehead and kissed Delilah one more time "I love you gorgeous see you soon." 

She wiped tears since she had the double stroller with her and said "I love you James Barnes." 

"I love you Delilah Barnes" he blew her kiss and he said "Load up boys let's go." 

Then she felt Julie Anne come over to her and hugged her and said "We will get through this Delilah." as the rest of the wives came over to her as they watched their husbands take off. They all went back to their cars and she got her kids in their car seats. 

That night she let both of them sleep with her and she whispered "Just two more tours and hopefully we will be done." 

That 6 month that he left on turned into a year and half tour he missed Elijah's second birthday and Charlotte's 1st birthday which broke his heart and missed another anniversary. When he returned home he hugged his family so tight. "That tour extended into what was suppose to be my 2nd one."

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