(14) Officer's Ball

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Bucky and Delilah had been at Fort Bragg for about a month when she learned about the military officer ball. She made the mistake of telling her mother 3 days ago as she was cleaning up the lunch mess that Elijah made she heard a knock on the door. 

"Mrs Delilah Barnes." a delivery guy said

"Yes that's me." she said 

"Sign here." he said

She signed her name and took the big box. She took it upstairs to her room and saw the return address was from her mom. She opened the box and saw a navy blue dress and matching heels and sighed. "Damn it mom I can get my own dress." she said as she lifted it up and saw what her mom had done. 

She made sure that her daughter's dress was modest and was going to cover her tattoo. "Dear Delilah here's your dress for your first Officer's ball please don't embarrass James. Love mom and grandma." 

She rolled her eyes and threw the note and barely missed Bucky's head. "Whoa baby what has you so upset." 

"My freaking mother" she said 

He unraveled the paper and read what the note said and then he pulled the dress out. He said "Baby you could never embarrass me I don't mind that you have a tattoo and I got being modest cause you were all virgin and everything but you are my wife and I want you to be you not someone you are not. I think this dress is beautiful but I can tell you are hurt by her choice in dress." 

"They want me to be like them. The officer's wife you sits back and let's her husband do all the talking and bite my tongue which I have done like when Elijah was born I wanted to tell Lt Col Williams to shove it up his ass when he told you that you had to go back after two weeks. I told Julieanne today that she was being a stuck up bitch today at the luncheon. I'm a red head we don 't know how to keep quiet and some how my mother has learned to suppressed her bitchiness unless it comes to me. So I'll wear the fucking dress cause I'm sure she's expecting pictures." she said 

"Baby come here." he said as he hugged her. 

"I love you gorgeous and I know this is a lot to adjust to and I'm sorry. But I can't imagine another woman by my side but you. You are being a great wife to me and a great mama to our son they don't see you like I do baby. " he said as he hugged her tighter.

"I love you too baby. By the way I hope I'm going to be a great mama to our next baby" as she looked up at him.

"Your pregnant again?" he said 

"Yeah.. I'm 10 days late and been feeling like how I felt with Elijah so I took a test and it said positive." she said with a smile. 

"Oh baby i'm so excited cause I get to be here for this one." he said as he kissed her. 

He smiled and whispered "Best wife/mama in whole world." 

She kissed him as she grabbed his cheeks. He picked her up and laid her down on the bed and knocked the box into the floor as they started to have sex. Her eyes rolled "Oh god James...right there baby mmm fuck yeah." she whispered

"Mmm baby doll.. god you feel so damn good." he whispered as he kissed her then he spilled into her and he said "Oh god baby doll I can't ever get enough of you." as he rolled off of her.

It was the night of the ball she put on the dress and the heels. She fixed her red hair into a French twist. Bucky was downstairs fixing his jacket in the bathroom downstairs as she got ready. She stood in the mirror and bit her lip and whispered "Stop biting your lip Delilah it's not very lady like." 

She took a deep breathe and grabbed her clutch as she left the bathroom. Bucky stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Baby come on we don't want to be late." he said

She emerged at the top of the stairs and lifted the dress a little and started walk down the stairs. "Wow baby doll you look gorgeous." he said 

" he said 

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He helped her off the last step and he spun her and said "Baby god you and your curves. I do believe I have the hottest wife." 

He opened the door for her and they got in the car that was waiting for them and they went to the ball. She followed the rules that her mom and grandmother told her about these things as he kept his arm around her waist. After the ball was over the ride home was quiet after Bucky realized that Delilah wasn't lying being an officer's wife meant looking pretty and being quiet at the ball when he saw that the other wives did exactly what she said. 

That night he watched her sleep as his mind was running the night over in his head. He sighed as he laid back on the pillow and shook his head. 

"Baby is everything alright?' she said 

"Yeah.. " he said 

"You have been staring at me for like an hour something's wrong." she said

"You could feel me staring." he said

"Yeah.." she said with a smile. 

"I was just thinking about stuff." he said 

She rolled on to her side and said "Dirty stuff?' 

"No not that baby I wish it was that." he said 

"Then what?' she said

"I love you Delilah but after tonight and seeing first hand what you were talking about." he said

"Bucky please tell me this isn't you telling me that you want a divorce." she said

"oh no baby I just was thinking that maybe I don't know maybe letting the army life go. I want you to be able to be you and not feel like you have to bite your tongue. What made you think that I was going to say that?' he said 

"Norah left Jordan she couldn't take it. Bucky I don't mind this life I don't I grew up around it and if once in a blue moon I have to keep my mouth shut that's fine. I know this is your job I understand that it's hard being on my end but I know that is just something that comes with it." she said 

"Oh.. I had no idea." he said

"Yeah it's been the talk of the family. I have had to hear her side mom's side and grandma's side. Anyways baby you have two more short tours let's get you through those you just got this promotion. And let's see where we stand after that if you still feel like we should leave it all behind then we can do it but baby I have only been your wife for a year give me some credit here" she said

He pushed some of her hair back and he smiled and said "there's my wife who I love." 

She smiled and said "I may not know my place just yet Bucky but I know how this goes." 

"Baby your place is right here with me as my wife mother to my son and my unborn child no other place you need to be." he said as he placed his hand on her stomach. 

She smiled and kissed him and said "Now let's go to sleep." 

"Okay." he said as she laid her head down on his chest. 

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