12/19/18--Wolfwater High School

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Students talk loudly, trying to be louder than the one next to them and talking about the latest school gossip. You can barely think let alone eat or converse with someone. Which is why Paxon spends her time labeling, stacking, and reading books in the library. When there isn't work for her to do, she goes on her laptop and watches Netflix while people watching.

The library was on the second floor, with big windows facing the huge main lobby. By each window was two large orange chairs. Paxon liked sitting in the orange chair, a bag of chips in her hand and earbuds in. She watches her show or the people and sometimes her best friends Marco, Dara, and Jessie join her and they watch shows together.

Today, she messaged someone on A-Like. A-Like is somewhere people with similar interests can message each other and become friends. You can also use it to message your real life friends which is what Paxon has used it for since she downloaded it.

That changed when she got a message from someone named "hell.raiser". And it's not like she hadn't been messaged by other people before, she usually was just too awkward and the other person stopped messaging her. The only persons she's actually friends with and met on A-Like is Jessie. Marco, Dara, and Pax all had her in their recommended section and so they separately messaged her then added her to their group chat. She had moved and joined their school two weeks before they messaged her and quickly became friends.

She sat in the orange chair, music from YouTube blasting through her headphones, and a small smile on her face. Of course, she was nervous because it's online and it's mostly anonymous so it could be anyone. But she trusted the way the app works, only recommending her people from her town and vice versa.

So, she messaged hell.raiser the night before and while she was sitting in the orange chair, forgetting her food and people watching. A small smile graced her face while she thought of the possibility of making a new friend.

Unknown to Paxon, hell.raiser was in the same building as her. He was sitting in the lunchroom, surrounded by his friends. His friends talk to him and laugh, joking around but he ignores them. They stare at him weirdly, how he's left his lunch to type away on his computer.

This boy, Dustin Bryant, wasn't popular in the sense he was a jock and knew everyone. He was popular in the way if you asked someone, "Hey, you know Dustin Bryant, right?" they'd say "Yeah, I've heard of him". He was a people person, making friends with everyone but still keeping with himself. Girls weren't falling at his feet and guys didn't want to be him, but he still had a normal and decent school life.

There was this one girl, however, who could make Dustin's heart skip a beat whenever he thought of her. No one really knows that he likes her. Yeah, he's close to his friends but not that close. He doesn't even think she knows he knows she exists.

This girl had been in his life since middle school. They lived in the same town but went to different elementary schools. When they both went to middle school, they had a few classes together but never spoke. Now they both are in a high school for artistic students. Dustin got accepted because of his photography and Pax got in because of her dancing. Both have been doing their art form since they could pick up a camera or spin around.

Back in the library, Paxon laughs with her friends at something Castiel says on Supernatural.

Back in the library, Dustin laughs with his friends at some joke they made about another's drawing.

Paxon sits happy with the group she has around her, not wanting anything more. Dustin sits with his friends, only wanting the girl he had a crush on to be with them.

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