3/11/19--Wolfwater High School

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After another month passes, Dustin and Pax are closer than ever. Their separate friend groups have become one big group. Dustin and Pax have also become the two people they pick on the most because "they're just so cute together" (Jessie's words).

Pax blushes and laughs off when they say something about her dating Dustin while Dustin laughs a little and looks at Pax. What might have started as a small crush on the pretty shy girl quickly became something so much more the longer they spent time together. Dustin wasn't sure about it, be he had the feeling that this is what falling in love felt like.  The only problem is that even though they were great friends, Pax was a very guarded person and it was hard to tell what she was feeling.

Today, Jessie and Dara went on about how they were their otp and arguing over ship names while Dustin's friends Otis and Ion make fun of him. Pax just stared at her lunch, face a bright red, and tried to ignore what they were saying because it was everything she had thought about the night before. As she had laid in bed, Dustin was the only thing that went through her mind. She thought about what it'd be like to date him and if he liked her back and how amazing it'd be if he did like her back. By the time she realized she should go to sleep, it was past one in the morning and her body was exhausted. It was a miracle that she fell asleep at all and her friends talking about what she truly wanted didn't help her clouded brain.

Dustin noticed the way Pax's eyelids would flutter shut before snapping wide open, how she swayed in her seat a little and seemed unfocused. Worry began clawing at his heart for the girl he was falling in love with, he didn't know what was wrong with her. Every atom in his body told him to do something to help her but he wasn't sure what to do. The friends begin noticing the worry in his eyes and look at Pax who looked like she was about to collapse any second.

It only takes a few seconds for Dara and Jessie's minds to link up and have the same idea. Jessie touches Pax's shoulder and looks her in the eyes.

"Are you okay, Pax?" she gently questions. Pax nods. "No you're not. You're about to fall asleep." Pax tries to shake her head but it just falls again. Along with not falling asleep hours after she usually does, she woke up around five with about four hours of sleep. She had also run out of coffee and milk so she hadn't eaten breakfast.

"Should someone take her home?" Ion whispers, his earlier playful attitude gone and replaced with worry for his new friend. Everyone's carefree attitude slowly vanishes when they actually look at the condition Pax is in. She's pale, swaying in her seat, and her eyes can't seem to actually focus on something.

"We have a test next period," Dara points out, looking at everyone else. Most of them don't have next class together but when she raises her eyebrows, they seem to get the point and nod. "Dustin, you have the next class with Pax, right? Why don't you drive her home?" Dustin stares at Dara, looking like he was just told he had six heads he hadn't noticed. Quickly shock turns to embarrassment when he realizes he'd have to go to her house, stand in her room, and probably carry her around. It wasn't that he hadn't imagined holding her close for months, remembering every detail of her body against his when they hugged and thought about it later. It was the fact they would be alone in her room and it freaked him out.

Against all better judgement, he nods and says "Sure", sounding more sure than he actually was. Dara gets Pax's keys out of Pax's backpack and hands them to Dustin.

"I'll text you the address, just use the purple key to open the door." Dustin nods and the bell rings. Everyone gathers their stuff and Dustin swings both his and Pax's backpack over his shoulders. Leaning down to her level, Dustin holds Pax's shoulders and looks into her eyes.

"Do you think you can walk?" he whispers, hoping she says yes to try and avoid making his feelings go deeper.

"Nuh-uh," she slurs in response, shaking her head until it tilts to the side. She holds her arms out and Dustin gulps, reaching towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist. Their friends wait in the crowd outside of the lunchroom and wait for Dustin and Pax to come out. Their hearts fill with happiness when they see their friend carrying another one of their friends out of the cafeteria.

Other people stare at the sight of two of the teens walking down the hall, clinging each other and holding tight. They're eyes widen even more when Dustin gently leans down and places a kiss on Pax's forehead, holding her a little tighter.

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