3/11/19--8085 Glenwood Drive, Pax's Home

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Dustin sits on a chair next to Pax's bed, watching her sleep. It makes him feel like a creep, so he looks around instead. There are a few posters on the wall, older bands like Queen and AC/DC, and there are a lot of pictures of her and her friends. Fairy lights line the wall above her bed where more pictures of all her friends. The bookshelf is so full, some are stacked on their sides on top of regular books. The trophies on the other shelves makes Dustin smile. He had seen her win some of those trophies for her dancing.

After looking at nearly everything in the room, Dustin looks back at Pax and studies her face. Her face is peaceful, lips parted slightly, and her hands pressed under her head. When Dustin had laid her on her bed, she had asked him to stay and he did. He was kind of regretting it now, boredom the only thing he felt.

A small meow makes Dustin jump and look around for where it came from. Suddenly, a small gray kitten jumps onto his lap and rubs against his stomach. Dustin throws his arms back like the tiny kitten was a huge tiger, staring down at it with wide eyes. The kitten curls up, laying on Dustin's lap and falling asleep.

He waits a few seconds before reaching down and lightly petting the animale. It purrs, making Dustin smile and continue petting it. The cat's eyes open and Dustin picks it up, lifting it into the air and smiling at it. He uses one hand to look at the collar and smiles at the weird little name. Nym. It sounds like something Pax would use as a name.

Dustin brings the cat to his face, making a funny face as he scrunches his nose and the cat meows. The sound brings a smile to his face and makes him laugh.


Pax wakes up a few hours later, feeling a little better than she was before. She feels even better when she sees Dustin spinning in a chair and holding Nym on his lap. Dustin doesn't see her open eyes until she sits up.

"S-sorry," he stutters out, stopping his spinning. Nym looks around, confused as to why she's stopped moving. When she sees her owner, she pushes Dustin's hands away and launches herself at Pax.

"It's fine. Nym's really friendly and doesn't like to hide, unlike most cats." Pax pets her cat, smiling down at the animal. Both teens are quiet, the cat the only one making noise, and they just enjoy each other's company. "I'm still tired," Pax whispers.

"You want me to go now?"

"No." She sighs and moves the kitten to the other side of the bed. Before she can think anything through, the tiredness making her drunk, she pats the bed. "Can you lay with me?" Dustin's eyes widen and he starts to feel hot, but he nods and moves to take off his shoes.

With a smile, Pax moves aside and pulls the covers so Dustin can lay down. When he does, Pax moves closer to him and he stiffens, unsure on what to do. As Pax starts to fall asleep, Dustin slowly wraps his arms around her. Both their hearts were beating fast, Dustin could feel Pax's and Pax could hear Dustin's as she laid her head on his chest.

The three of them, Pax, Dustin, and Nym all laid in bed, cuddling together as happiness settles in their chests.

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