3/12/19--Wolfwater High School

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The group of friends sit at the lunch table in silence, not really knowing how to address the elephant in the room. The only two who are ignoring the silence is Pax and Dustin. They have no idea why they're friends are being quiet and just eat their food.

Dara, the only one brave enough to break the silence, clears her throat and looks at her friends.

"So, when are we going to talk about it?" she states bluntly, staring straight at Pax and Dustin.

"Talk about what?" Pax stares at her friend, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. She has an idea of what she's talking about but doesn't want to.

"You know what. We can't just ignore it and act like we didn't see anything." The other friends become slightly uncomfortable and shift around. "Listen, we're not asking for an explanation but we just want to know where you two stand." Pax stops eating and shrugs.

"Nothing happened. I was tired and didn't want to be alone so that's what happened. We're still just friends." It made Pax uncomfortable to say they were just friends when she wanted something more. She didn't notice how it made Dustin just as uncomfortable. "That's it. You've done the same for me and I've done the same for you. Just to sleep." Her face becomes bright red and she stares down at her lap.

Dustin's hand is sitting on the bench next to hers and the urge to hold it is stronger than ever. So, Pax sits on her hands and just stares at her thighs. Everyone is once again silent except this time no one can ignore it.

Dustin and Pax are both more uncomfortable than they thought they could be. Both of their feelings are stronger than ever, having cuddled the day before not helping very much. It felt like they were drowning in their feelings, like being stuck in the middle of the ocean under water. They knew what to do when they were outside of that situation, what to do when they were drowning. But in that moment they had froze. All they could do was flail their arms and try to scream as they begged to just survive. Eventually, they just stopped fighting and let themselves slowly drown until they were consumed by the water.

And now the only one who could save them from drowning were drowning themself.

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