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"Guess what?"


"Pax has a boyfriend."

"Shut up!"

"Who is it?"

"Dara, shut up!"

"A guy she met. On A-Like. Like three weeks ago."

"I'm going to kill you, Dara Denise Dennis."

"Oooh, the whole name. You're dead Dara."

"Who care about that? What's this guy like? What's his name? Who are his friends? Where does he live? Do you know his parents?"

"Seriously, Marco? It took a while for Pax to talk to use normally, how would she have asked him all these things?"

"Can we please talk about something else?"

"No.""No." "No."

"You all suck."

"Who cares what you think? What do you know about this guy, Pax?"

"He goes to our school, is my age, and studies photography with Mr. Willis, and his username is..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, you mumbled a little at the end there. Can you repeat that?"


"Can you put the drink down?"

"Yeah, put the drink down Pax and share what this lovely boy's username is."

"Is it really that bad?"

"Oh, you'll see."

"If you know it so well, why don't you share it with the rest of the class?"

"Because it's not my place. Annoying you by making fun of the fact you have a crush on someone you barely know and met on the internet? That's my place. I can't say the username because that's your place to grow some balls and man up."

"Fine. His username is 'hell.raiser'."



"You're joking, right? She's joking, right? You have to be joking. She has to be joking."

"I'm not joking and what's the big deal? It's just a username."

"What's the big deal? His username sounds like the nickname of someone in a satanic cult!"

"Can you be quiet?"

"No I cannot! This is crazy! How do you even know that he's really a student or that he really is in Mr. Willis' class?"

"When we talk during classes, we video call each other without showing out faces, only the classes. You honestly think I'd still be talking to him if I wasn't sure he was really a student?"

"No, I didn't but still. How can you even trust him?"

"Remember when you and Marco were just friends? And how you always tell me that one day you kind of just got this feeling that you could trust him with everything? That you had this feeling of trust that just showed up? That's how it's like with him. I get this feeling in my gut, the same I got from you when we met and Dara and Marco. It's also the feeling that I get when I think of you and Marco, a sureness that tells me you're both perfect for each other. I just get this gut instinct and feeling this guy is telling the truth when we talk. I know it might seem sketchy but you get that feeling, don't you? About certain people you can let into your life and know they'll always be honest with you and you can be totally honest with them?"




"That was...deep. Very deep. And yes, I get that feeling. I know what you're talking about."

"Thank you. Can you just trust me to keep myself safe in one aspect of my life?"

"We can."

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