3/16/19--Message to @hell.raiser

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3/16/19, 9:52 AM

rainbow_aesthetic: Hey

rainbow_aesthetic: so we haven't talked in a while

rainbow_aesthetic: and I kinda feel bad

rainbow_aesthetic: and I'm sending messages like this because

rainbow_aesthetic: it's Saturday and idk if you're up yet

rainbow_aesthetic: and now I'm talking to myself

rainbow_aesthetic: and I probably sound crazy

rainbow_aesthetic: I'll stop now

hell.raiser: I'm up

hell.raiser: and you sending messages like this

hell.raiser: is adorable

rainbow_aesthetic: no idea what to say to that

hell.raiser: how about you give me your guesses?

rainbow_aesthetic: sure. I have you narrowed down to a group of five guys

hell.raiser: who?

rainbow_aesthetic: Dustin Bryant, Otis McCleod, Ion Davis, Nicholas Wolfe, and Jacob Reimann. Four of those guys are friends and I'm friends with them

hell.raiser: pick one

rainbow_aesthetic: well, two of them don't really fit the description you gave, but they act the way you do here

rainbow_aesthetic: Otis has white hair and Nicholas has blue hair. But now that I think about it, neither one could be you. Don't know what I was thinking.

hell.raiser: So Dustin, Ion, or Jacob?

rainbow_aesthetic: Dustin, Ion, or Jacob

rainbow_aesthetic: I haven't decided which yet

hell.raiser: I'm not going anywhere

rainbow_aesthetic: promise?

hell.raiser: promise🤞

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