1/2/19--Message to @hell.raiser

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1/2/19, 4:23 pm

rainbow_aesthetic: so, how was your New Years?

hell.raiser: it was. . .boring

rainbow_aesthetic: what, no party friends?

hell.raiser: no. you know who Jamie is?

rainbow_aesthetic: Jamie Richards?

hell.raiser: yeah. I was at his place.

rainbow_aesthetic: you were at Jamie Richards' house and your New Years was boring? Half those kids couldn't come to school today because they were still hungover. 

hell.raiser: it was boring because everyone was drunk or high. a few were both. I hid in a room and watched the ball drop on my own.

rainbow_aesthetic: yeah, it wasn't like my friends and I were partying like crazy. we spent it together in our special place

rainbow_aesthetic: we've always been super close and are more like family, my friends and I

hell.raiser: that sounds really nice

rainbow_aesthetic: I was thinking

rainbow_aesthetic: something very dangerous for me, I know

hell.raiser: go on

rainbow_aesthetic: what if we just give little hints to each other about who we are

hell.raiser: so you're not comfortable talking to an unknown person? Wow. Strange. *note the sarcasm please*

rainbow_aesthetic: shut up jerk. just what do you think?

hell.raiser:  I think it's a good idea

hell.raiser: so first hint we technically gave when we said we were 17, the second when we said what we study, and idk if we said the third but here it is: i have black hair and green eyes.

rainbow_aesthetic: okay, so that kinda narrows it down I guess.

rainbow_aesthetic: but there are three different photography classes for seniors and I've only seen one of them

hell.raiser: well, what's your third hint?

rainbow_aesthetic: right. well, I have heterochromia iridis which is a fancy tern meaning both my eyes have multiple colors in them. my hair is just brown, i'm too lazy to get anything done to it.

hell.raiser: you have multi-colored eyes?

rainbow_aesthetic: yes

hell.raiser: is that why you like rainbows?

rainbow_aesthetic: partially, yes

hell.raiser: well you know now I could easily tell who you are

rainbow_aesthetic: yeah, well then I'll just keep my head down

rainbow_aesthetic: you'd also have to look closely at every girl's eyes who has brown hair and that's like a good 87% of our school

hell.raiser: maybe I have my own ways

rainbow_aesthetic: yeah, like what?

hell.raiser: I don't know but maybe I will

rainbow_aesthetic: suuuuuure 🙄

hell.raiser: thanks for the confidence

rainbow_aesthetic: you're welcome

hell.raiser: I hate to do this but I've got a ton of homework to do and my mom keeps calling me

rainbow_aesthetic: yeah, for a dance student I get a lot of dance homework that doesn't need me to move

hell.raiser: talk to you later?

rainbow_aesthetic: talk to you later

hell.raiser has logged out

rainbow_aesthetic has logged out


I know it's late and been a while but I just got some random inspiration to finish this and some good music to play so here it is! Love you all and thank you so much for reading my story!


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