12/24/18 -- What We ____ Lose

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Jessie leans on Marco while they sit on the floor bed, Dara lays on her stomach reading, and Pax admires the ring Dara bought her. Dara bought each of them friendship rings, specialized to them and then she bought one for herself.

They're all plain silver, a simple infinity sign on the center. Pax's has a small emerald next to the infinity sign, Jessie's has a small diamond, Marco's has a garnet, and Dara's has a topaz. Their birth stones in the same place but a different stone. They've been friends for a long time but none of them had really gotten each other something to show their friendship. This meant a lot to them all.

Tears came to Pax's eyes as she thought about not being friends anymore with the people she trusts the most. It's something she's thought about a lot recently with high school coming to an end. She's terrified that once they all go to college, whichever ones they choose, they'll only be able to say "I remember my friends from high school" and not stay in touch. It's happened to her before so why wouldn't it happen again?

Before she notices, Dara lays on top of Pax's back and hugs her the best she can.

"It's okay, Paxon," she whispers, Paxon putting her hands on Dara's and squeezing. "We've promised each other. Yeah, we might not be friends forever, but one day the three of us will be in our apartments and on TV will be you. You'll be dancing with the Royal Ballet and be the star. You'll also probably be secretly in love with your dance partner but too chicken to tell him." Pax frowns at her friend's teasing and throws her head back, trying to hurt her friend. Dara rolls off her back and lands on the floor, letting out a breath.

"We're lucky, you know?" Jessie sighs. "Most people dream of having at least one friend they can depend on like we depend on each other. So, why don't we just enjoy some music and then head back home? We don't have to worry about that stuff now." The friends nod and play some more music, enjoying the silence between them as unspoken words of love fill the air.

They know they might not be friends forever, but they don't care. They have each other now. And that's good enough.

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