231 Hill Ave, Dustin's home

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Hi. I'm sorry to the people reading this that I've been gone so long. I was going through some stuff but I'm getting better now, getting inspired to write more. I don't think I'll be able to write as much as I would like, but I do hope it's enough to make you happy.

Remember, I love you all!

--Emma ❤

The family sits around the table, smiling and talking. Dustin just listens to his sister and mother talk about their days while staying silent himself.

"Dustin, what's wrong? You're quiet." 

There was a twisted feeling in his stomach. He was nervous, very nervous. But he couldn't say why.

"Nothing, really. I'm just not feeling the best." His sister Casey nods and turns to their mom.

"Hey, do you know what A-Like is, mom?" Casey, a smug smirk on her face, questions while staring into Dustin's eyes. His widen and he shakes his head. He knew he should've locked his bedroom door.

"Kind of. It's like AOL or MySpace or something, right?" Their mom just keeps eating like nothing's going on, but she can feel that something's about to go down.

"Right, but modern. You can share pictures and find people in your area who you have stuff in common with. Did you know that we both have it?" Dustin is ready to yell but he isn't a hundred percent sure he know where his sister is going with this. The question peaks their mother's interest, who sets her fork and knife down to fully pay attention.

"Naturally, yes. It's social media, I can't exactly stop you from having it."

"Great. So my username is just my favorite color and nickname; caseofblues. But guess what Dustin's username is." At this point Dustin hits the table a little and glares harder than ever at his sister. Honestly, it's not that bad but it's kind of embarrassing.

"So help me god, Casey, I will end you." At this point their mother's more intrigued than ever. Who wouldn't be? What exactly is her son trying to hide? I mean, she's cleaned his room before, there's not much she doesn't know.

Casey just starts to laugh, not able to get the words out at the ridiculousness of her brother's threat. No matter how tough he tries to be, he's just a big softy and it's adorable. Which is why his username is so funny.

Dustin turns red when his mom starts to chuckle at the ridiculousness that is her children. Casey and Dustin are about three years apart, but with Casey's maturity and their steady relationship, no one would guess it. They even look so similar, sometimes people assume they're twins.

"H-his is-s-s--" Casey cuts herself off with another fit of laughter while Dustin turns impossibly more red. With a deep breath, Casey seems to calm herself down. "His dumbass username is 'hell.raiser'!" She bursts out in another fit of laughter while Dustin sinks down in his seat. This is why he was nervous, he could feel something like this happening.

As if it couldn't get any worse, Dustin hears little laughs coming from his mother. He looks over at her and sees her trying to suppress her laughter. Becoming unsuccessful and laughing like her daughter.

"You're both a bunch of bullies," Dustin pouts, sinking further into his seat.

"I'm sorry, honey, but really? You're not exactly a tough guy." Rolling his eyes, Dustin sits up and looks at his mom.

"I put it like that so I could talk to this girl I think is cute and nice and funny and I didn't want her to figure out who I was, if you must now." He starts to eat angrily as his mother and sister begin to feel guilty for laughing. Dustin doesn't want them to feel guilty, he can read it on their faces, but he won't stop them.

"I'm sorry, Dustin, I didn't mean to say it like that." He look at his sister and sighs.

"It's fine. It's something to laugh at, I get it." His shoulders slump as his eating slows.

"Honestly, Dustin, if you like the girl you shouldn't hide yourself. You should just go and talk to her." Dustin rolls his eyes at his sister and keeps his eyes on his plate. "These things may turn out good in books and movies but this is real life. It's going to be harder if you keep hiding who you are."

"She's right, honey. My advice, tell her who you are. If you like her, clearly she's kind and will give you a chance." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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