1/11/19 pt. I

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Mrs. Willis' dance class sits in the auditorium, excited as Mr. Willis' photography class walks in. Wolfwater High students love doing projects, their creativity allowed to run free and shine through and the teachers love to see the creativity.

The students also love the projects because it means a minimum of two weeks without school work.

Once both classes settle down, the two teachers stand in the front of them and smile.

"Hello, students," Mrs. Willis starts. "For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is Mrs. Willis, Mr. Willis' wife." Mr. Willis laughs and puts an arm around Mrs. Willis. "We have gathered you together to tell you about your next project. We are going to be pairing together a student from Mr. Willis' class and one from mine to work together."

"The classes are even, so there will only be one photographer for one dancer. What you have to do is take ten pictures of your dancer in different areas and edit them. Then, the dancer and yourself has to write a paragraph about that photo. I don't want to lie, we are old, so the paragraph only has to be four sentences." They both smile at each other and lean against each other.

"It may not seem fair, but the dancer is the one who has to chose the place and the position he or she takes." A few kids chuckle at Mrs. Willis' words. "Yes, yes, very funny. This should be an easy project and we hope you all enjoy. We've already chosen the partners and if you all will be quiet, we're going to announce the partners." The students talk a little as both teachers take out a list and start naming people.

"Who do you think you'll get?" a girl sitting next to Pax asks. She talks to Pax sometimes but they aren't super close.

"No idea. I'm actually pretty nervous about that." Pax leans on her arm, her leg bouncing up and down. She knows that Anon is in the same room as her, right now, and her heart is racing. There's about two dozen boys in the photography class, most having black-ish/brown hair. She thinks about the eyes but it's too dark and they're all too far away to see.

As the teachers talk, Pax just keeps looking around, not knowing how the boy she's looking for is doing the same. They look around for each other, trying to find the person they've both started forming a crush on. While looking around, the two teachers smile at each other as they announce the last two names on their list.

"The final group is Paxon Wright and Dustin Bryant," Mrs. Willis announces, smiling at her student. Paxon had become a daughter to Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Willis being the only person outside of her friend group who knows about Pax's parents.

Pax looks towards Mr. Willis' class, her eyes finding a boy with pitch black hair and pale green eyes. He stares back at her and smiles, giving a small wave that Pax returns.

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