5. On the jet

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The ground staff insisted that we put our hand luggage on the trolley with our other bags as he asked us to follow him outside. We did as he asked, with a little more distance between us, in case anyone would look outside and think we were a couple, the gossip sites would have a field day.

While we were walking towards the hangar where the jet was waiting for us, I got more and more nervous, talking at Chris instead of to him; "Are you sure he is okay with me tagging along? Won't he think it's strange you're taking me to Rome after knowing me for just a few hours? Wat do I call him? How do I have to act around him? Is there anything I can't talk about? Oh my God, I'm so nervous! Are we almost there?"

The answer to the last question came as soon as I asked; as we rounded the corner, I could see an open hangar and a small private jet that could belong to only one person, the red and gold letters on the side would let anyone even remotely close that the Legend himself was in the air, or in this case, on the ground, and were obviously inspired by Iron man.

As we got closer, my nerves got bigger and bigger. I couldn't believe I was about to meet the man I had looked up to for so long. And not only that, I was going to fly on his private jet, with Iron man and Captain America! Chris saw how I got more and more spring in my step and could quite possibly hear my heart beat faster and faster and he put his arm around my shoulder, "Don't worry, he really is just a person, just don't tell him I said that, I'd never live it down." He gave me a reassuring smile that somehow made me even more nervous, having Captain America next to you when meeting Iron man before flying on his jet; I couldn't believe how strange this day had gotten.

"He does know I'm tagging along right...? I mean, it's not some big surprise?" "Don't worry, I told him and he was very excited, I think he thinks I should propose to you right now, he really wants me to settle down, keeps reminding me of my age and how single I am right now, as far as he knows.." I could hear his voice starting to sound less confident and I wondered if he talked to the girl yet. Every step I took towards the hangar increased my nerves but somehow also made me more confident about meeting him.

When I saw him standing in his impeccable gray, three-piece suit, greeting us with his signature Tony Stark pose, head up and arms out, and someone next to him with glasses of champagne, I didn't think I ever had more champagne than that day; everywhere I went, it was just handed to me. But I was sure the champagne that Robert Downey Junior would give, would have to be the best one.

Chris was relaxing with every step we took towards RDJ and his smile grew, while his eyes were glistering more and more, it was obvious to everyone that he looked up to Robert and that they had a great friendship.

"Hey Dorito, so good to see you again! And you finally found a girl who is willing to keep up with you?" He took the last steps toward us and engulfed Chris in a big, kind hug, slapping his shoulders and looking at me. When they let go of each other he walked towards me, "and you must be Ava, I would say I've heard all about you, but I would be lying... where did Chris hide you until now?"

"Hi, yes I... I am Ava, that is my name... it... is... it is really great meeting you mister Downey, it's a real honour, I can't believe... wow... I'm sorry, it's just really crazy that I'm meeting you right now..." I felt my cheeks turning redder than ever and Robert looked strangely insecure. It was not an expression I thought was possible for him.

"Are you okay? I didn't think you would be so shocked by meeting me, I mean you've been hanging with Chris for a while now right?" Luckily Chris helped me out; "Yeah about that, we actually met at the airport last night, 12 hours ago we didn't even know the other existed, or at least, there was a chance we would ever meet" he added when he realized that was not actually true for me, I was more than aware of his existence.

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