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Jerome's POV

I felt the need to ease the pain. I loved him, but I couldn't tell him. Couldn't tell him he meant so much to me. He did. He meant so, so much to me. I loved him so much. Why did I fall in love with him? He wouldn't love me... Why would my love work vice versa?

I crept out of bed and reached for my craft knife. I had hid it, for fear my parents would find out or figure it out, and now it was time for it to come of use.

Tiptoeing to the bathroom, I sat on the lid of the toilet. The light from an approaching dawn slowly flooded the room as I sat there shaking, the cold air chilling me to the bone.

I though of Mitch seeing the cuts. His girlfriend would never do it. Then again, I wasn't her. I wasn't a girl and I most certainly wasn't the stick that Emma was. Mitch didn't look to me lovingly, or kiss me everytime he saw me. He didn't speak of a future with me like he did with her, even though we were only fourteen.

Just this one cut...

One cut to make it all better...

Leave all the old pain behind...

One cut. One choice. One time.

I looked at the mirror and saw myself. No wonder he didn't like me, I wasn't even pretty. Handsome. Smart. Funny.

I rolled up my pyjama leg, and stared at my pale thigh. Taking a deep breath, I slowly plunged the knife into my skin.

I am sorry but this is the prologue, the past. So now the next chapter will be the present, where Jerome and Mitch live in Cali. Show da love?


Afternote: I deleted the introduction, so I'll slap the main points here, just for reference. This is going to be set in 2017, when they are both 23, both live together in California (only part of the US I have some familiarity with as I am not American) and there will be a series of flashbacks as well as 'present' time. Most of this book is in Jerome's POV or Mitch's, but some will be in other ones as well... maybe.

I'm aiming to do fairly long chapters, but flashbacks will sometimes be a singular chapter on their own, so may be shorter depending on the memory :)

Oh yeah. I don't know if I'm gonna act like Jerome has dated Louise. Maybe, but idk because it may or may not work. We may see. So... I'm planning on updates to be weekly, because of the lengths of the chapters but we'll see!

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