Chapter 23

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Percy's POV

I can't believe dad is coming to visit me! I'm so glad Hades told me that. When he comes, I'll need to have a quick conversation with him. About mom, Paul, and Cleo's friends and family. They can't know he's a God, so I'll have to make sure he doesn't go all 'bow down to me' on them. He also needs to be nice to mom and Paul, or else it's going to be even more awkward than it's bound to be.

I swim around Mako for a while, then I'm planning on going to the café for a drink with mom and Paul, since I haven't seen too much of them. I'm going to tell them about Dr Denman, then maybe break the news that I'm a merman to them. I have to be honest with them, I can't keep secrets from mom, she means too much to me. Plus she'll kill me if she finds out in another way.

Once I'm out of the water, I find a quiet spot on the beach to relax before I go to Rikki's (the café, not her house). An IM pops open in front of me, showing dad on what looks like a plane (it looks like business class). "Hey son, guess who's about to land in Australia and visit you?"

"Oh hey dad. You, I guess. I can't wait to see you, but one question,"


"Why did you choose to fly here, on a public airline, where your brother could potentially zap the plane out of the sky, injuring all of the passengers on it?"

"You just have to live in the moment Percy. And I also needed to look like a regular mortal. Oh, and I also made a deal with him- I had to not irritate him for a week, then I could choose air travel to fly to you. I needed to experience it at least once, and let's just say I won't willingly do it again." I laugh. I guess we're similar there then. "I also get to rent a car, and drive! I can't wait to do all these mortal things, and I get to spend some time with you. Anyway, I must go, we've landed, so I need to get my luggage and queue for passport control. See you soon!"

I don't see why he's so excited, but it's nice to see him happy, rather than serious and at war. I don't know how he managed to do all this, but he did it. It feels great that he's gone to so much trouble to come and see me, I mean, not being irritating for a week? That must have been so difficult for him to do.

2 hours later...

I had a great time with Mom and Paul, apart from the fact that it got pretty weird when I told them about me. I told them everything about how I became a merman, apart from telling them about Cleo and her friends- that's not my secret to tell. They were shocked, but they're alright with it. They trust me to be me, and I'm glad of that.

But the Dr Denman thing was a whole different story. They got pretty worried. They know I can handle myself, but they were still worried for everyone's safety. At least we won't have a huge enemy this time, just mortals who think they're so smart, but really have no idea what's really going on.

"Hey Perce!" Gods, Apollo is back. "How's my favourite cousin?"

"Fine. What are you doing here? Please tell me you're not staying."

"I am. Can I crash with you? Oh, and my name is Alex here by the way." He tires me out sometimes, but he's not that bad.

"I can't refuse a God, can I?"


"Fine, let's go, Alex. Wow, two gods in one place at one time. Things are going to get weird." 

"They're never normal anyway Percy, you should know this. I have news on Annabeth as well, she has yet to wake up, but she is showing signs of becoming in perfect health soon."

That's great news, I really hope she wakes up soon. I can't wait to be able to see her again, yet another reunion for us.

Cleo's POV

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