Chapter One

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Glimpse Into The Plot

It's been five years since the incident with Alex Drake happened. They're all living in harmony now. Hanna and Caleb had their baby, a boy named Thomas, Toby and Spencer are now married and are expecting, Aria and Ezra are currently trying to adopt, and Emily and Alison's children are now in kindergarten. Everyone is, hopefully for now, drama free. That is, until another mysterious person starts sending them threatening A texts again. Who could be the new A? What new secrets will unveal? Will enemies from their past come back to haunt them?

Aria's POV

"Ezra?" I called out, walking down the stairs. My hair was now longer than it had been when we graduated high school. I wore my essential black pleather jacket, blue feather earrings, a horizontally-striped dark red and black strapless dress, beige zippered ankle boots, and a grey pleather chained purse. "Are you down here?"

"Yeah I am," he called out, coming out of the kitchen with a coffee mug in his hand. "Is everything okay?"

"I think I'm-" I hesitated, unsure if I should say anything. The test was positive but these things could always be a fluke.

"You're what?" he asked gently, setting his mug on the coffee table and walking over to me.

"I-I think I'm pregnant," I sighed, showing him the test. "It's positive."

"Why were you-"

"I'm late. I was worried something was wrong and so I bought a test at the store," I admitted. "I know these can always be a fluke but I think we need to check this out with a doctor."

Ezra nodded in agreement, grabbing his car keys and leading me to the front door.

Spencer's POV

I walked toward my mom's office, a huge stack of papers in my arms. "Mom?" I called out, trying to knock on the door.

"Just a moment!" she replied, getting up to open the door. "Hey, honey," she greeted, opening the door farther and letting her in. "Are these the papers sent by the courthouse?"

"Yes," I replied. I set them down on her desk. "As well as just the mail from our house which, by the way, is all for you." I handed her one of the envelopes.

"Rosewood Police Department?" Veronica read. "Honey, this one is for you. Not me..."

"What?" I asked, gently taking it back from her and opening it.

Spencer Hastings,

We have reason to believe that your sister's ex-fiancé is alive. Come to the police department as soon as you can.

Lorenzo Calderan

"Ex-fiancé?" I whispered, raising an eyebrow. "Wren?"

"What about Wren?" Veronica asked, looking over my shoulder.

"They said they have reason to believe he's alive," I replied, folding the letter and putting it back in the envelope. I put the envelope in my bag and looked at mom. "I have to go. I'm sorry," I sighed.

"No, it's okay," Veronica reassured me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "It's important, I'm sure. Go on ahead. Call me with any information?"

"Of course," I smiled at her as I left the building.

Rosewood Police Department.......

"Spencer," Lorenzo greeted. "I'm glad you're here. I'm sorry for such the short notice."

"No worries, Lorenzo," I smiled. "So... You said you all have reason to believe that Wren is alive?"

"Oh. You didn't know who we meant?" Lorenzo asked anxiously.

"Who else would you mean?" I raised an eyebrow. "She was his last fiancé and he was supposedly killed in a fire by my psycho twin sister."

"Spencer... It's not Wren," he sighed. "You should sit down. This will be a lot of information to take in."

"Um... Okay," I replied, sitting down in the chair across from him.


He's alive. I can't believe this. He was definitely dead when we last saw him, there's no way someone can survive a wound like that. This is insane. I quickly dialed Hanna's number and asked to meet her and the others at the Radley.

A/N: Cliffhanger cause I'm just mean like that😉 What do you guys think so far? Let me know your thoughts below!

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