Chapter Four

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Spencer's POV

She's out of jail. Or wherever the hell she was after she was arrested. This is unbelievable. Mona took them to France, I know she did.

"Hello, sister," the figure greeted, the smile on her face widening into a smirk. "It's good to see you again."

"Alex!" I shrieked. "How are you out of jail!?!"

"It's been five years, sis," she replied. "I was bound to escape eventually. I pulled it off when I convinced the security people outside the plane that I was you and they let me in."

"That's impossible!" I shouted, pulling against the chains again. "They would never believe it was me and I'm in Rosewood! You were in France!"

"Actually, love," Alex replied, pulling out her wallet and showing her her ID. "They would. See, mum always told me that twins are like two peas in a pod. Obviously, that's not the case with us because you escaped capture with your friend's- What are they now, husband and wife?"

"That's none of your damn business," I snapped, hearing a door open and seeing Ian come into the room.

"You have no choice in that matter," he scoffed. "You're trapped here, Spencer. I suggest you start talking before we have to make you." He turned the lamp's brightness up a bit to reveal that we were in a torture room and set a tray full of tools on the small dark wooden table beside where I was sitting.

"He's right, sister," Alex replied, bending down next to me. "Either you start talking or we have to torture you to get it out of you." She looked at the ceiling and shrugged. "We're gonna be torturin' you anyway but whatever." She looked back at me and smirked evilly. "Now talk."

I gasped in pain when Ian harshly grabbed a fistful of my hair and leaned towards my ear. "I'm not afraid to take you back up to the bell tower," he threatened quietly in my ear. "Remember that."

"I have to go convince your friends that 'you' escaped," Alex announced, standing back up. "Do what you want with her, Ian. I'll be back."

Emily and Alison's house

Alison's POV

This is insane. How could Ian know where Spencer and Toby lived? Why would he come back for her all these years later? She's not that vulnerable!

I suddenly remembered what Spencer told us a while back.


June 16, 2019

"Guys, I have something to tell you," Spencer announced, smiling really big. "It's huge."

"Well stop the hints and tell us!" Hanna joked, sitting up in her chair.

"Alright, well..." She paused for dramatic effect. "I'm pregnant!"

"What!?!" Emily shrieked in excitement. "When did this happen!?!"

"A few months ago," Spencer blushed. "Toby knows too but we decided to keep it a secret. I finally told him this morning before he left for work that I was gonna tell you guys."

"I'm so happy for you!" I exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

"We all are," Aria added as she, Hanna, and Emily joined in. I suddenly saw someone out of the corner of my eye and looked up.

A man stood by the counter watching us and trying to hide it. "Hold on guys," I whispered, standing up and going over to him. "Can we help you?" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest.

He just stared at me.

"Why the hell are you staring at my friends and I?" I demanded, not waiting for an answer. "What we do is none of your business." The guy just shook his head and left.

"What was that about?" Hanna asked me as I came back over.

"Nothing. Just some creep that was staring at us," I sighed, sitting back down. "He didn't answer me when I asked him why he was staring at us and just left."

"Well, it's not a huge surprise," Aria sighed. "We're kind of well known around here after what happened with Cece..."


I stood up off the couch and called for Emily. "I'm going out!" I announced. "I'll be back soon!" I quickly went out the door, grabbing my jacket and car keys.

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