Chapter Twelve

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Spencer's POV

I don't even remember what happened. I came into the warehouse and happened to notice a bunch of cell doors down every hallway. I remember the warehouse but I don't remember any of these cells at all. I turned on one of the lights that was outside a door and peeked inside, seeing a girl who looked to be about twenty or twenty-one sitting in a chair.

After looking around to make sure that no one was coming my way, I slowly opened the door and kept a tight grip on the knife behind my back just in case it was a trap. "Hello?" I whispered. The girl looked up at me in fear. Her eyes were strange, kind of a milky white like she was blind. She looked out of it, like she was in some sort of trance. I looked behind me out at the open door and saw a photo of a different girl with the same eyes. "What the hell is this place?" I whispered, slowly going over to the chair she was in and trying to undo the giant chains around her wrists as her eyes finally went back to normal.

"W-Who are you?" she asked nervously, looking down at me.

"I'm Spencer," I replied, undoing the first chain. "I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" Finally undoing the other chain, I slowly helped her up. She felt really light, like she hadn't eaten in days or maybe months. "Do you know where the exit is?"

Alison's POV

I saw Spencer coming out of a cell with a door. "Spencer!" I whisper shouted, quietly running over to her and sighing in relief. "What is this place?"

"I have no idea," she sighed, shaking her head. "This definitely is not the warehouse Ian held me in... This girl needs help though, I'll explain everything later. Come on." I followed her in confusion out of the hallway we were in, seeing Aria and Emily down the hall.

"Do you think this is where Hanna was talking about?" I whispered, frowning. "She was all bloody when she was in the hospital..."

"I don't know and right now, I don't really care," Spencer replied, almost losing her balance as the girl next to her stumbled. "We need to get this girl to the hospital as soon as possible. What's your name?"

"G-Grace," she whispered, trembling a little. "I have been down here ever since I was ten..."

"Ten?" Emily whispered. "So that's- How old are you now?"

"Twenty-one," she replied, coughing up blood. "These people are fucking crazy... They said that I was special..."

"Let's get to the hospital," Aria replied gently. "You can tell us, or the police, about it there whenever you're ready to okay?" Grace just nodded.

The hospital...............

Grace's POV

I know that those girls were trying to help me but it's no use. They will just find me again, I know it. I was put through eleven years of torture and very little food. Once we got to the hospital, they quickly admitted me and I was led to a room on a gurney. I suddenly gasped for breath, knowing what was coming. I slowly went into a psychotic state, my eyes turning milky white once again. I knew that I was dying. I didn't even have to be conscious to tell what was happening.

A/N: Okay. It's kind of a boring ending to a chapter but hey, I've been trying to prepare for Comic Con this weekend and I got inspiration for the Grace part from Martyrs(the 2016 version with Troian). Don't judge me. LOL. I hope you all enjoyed! :3 And before anyone says anything, yes I'm aware that Martyrs is more of a supernatural film but it's just a story🤷‍♀️

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