Chapter Ten

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Alison's POV

Hanna's funeral is today. I stood at the bathroom mirror trying to brush my tangled hair and keep myself from crying so my mascara wouldn't run.

"Ali?" Aria asked, standing in my doorway with her hands folded in front of her. "Are you ready?"

"No but we have to do this," I sighed, following her out the door.

Hanna's funeral........

Spencer's POV

We sat in the front pew of the church, waiting for the priest to come in and start. "Where is he?" Aria whispered. "He was supposed to be here by now."

"Let me go see what's going on," Emily sighed. She got up and went outside.

Emily's POV

"Reverend Ackard?" I called out, looking around nervously. I looked down on the ground to see a note and picked it up.

Your little friend's funeral won't happen. Good luck finding a new priest, bitches. -AD

My jaw dropped in shock and I ran back inside. "Guys!" I whispered quietly. "Come outside!"

Alison's POV

We all followed Emily outside. "What is it, Em?" I asked in concern.

"Look at this," she replied, holding the note out as Spencer took it.

"What the hell?" Spencer said angrily. "I am about to kill Alex!"

"Spence, calm down," Aria sighed, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"No! I won't calm down! Whoever shot Hanna is the one that killed her!" she yelled. "Who the hell shot her!?! Tell me!"

I hesitated. "I-It was some doctor... He was young. His name is Frank."

"They're going down," Spencer growled, storming off angrily.

"We should follow her," I whispered, quietly going towards my car. "Who knows what she's gonna do? Come on." Aria and Emily sighed and followed me, both getting in my car.

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