Taking A Break

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I know you were probably expecting this to be a chapter but it isn't, sorry. I need a break from writing(not just this story). I went to the doctor on Friday for my yearly checkup and I found out I have a heart murmur(it's not dangerous). To quote my doctor, it's just "loud blood flowing through the valves". I know what a heart murmur is but at the same time I don't fully understand it. We're getting an ultrasound scheduled to see if there's any possible cause. If nothing shows then I was probably born with it and it just didn't show up until Friday. I'm trying to do as much research on this as possible so I can understand it more. If you or someone you know(no names required) has a heart murmur or can help me understand it a little more, please message me. I know it's not dangerous but after my doctor listened to my heart she said, and I quote, "Has anyone ever told you that you have a heart murmur?", I had an anxiety attack(it was the first one I've had in a long time).

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