Chapter Three

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Toby's POV

I woke up in what looked like a hall closet. "What the hell?" I whispered, standing up and opening the door slowly. "Spencer?" I called out, peeking my head out and looking around. "You out here?"

"Toby, thank god," Alison sighed. "We've been looking for you."

"What's going on?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "And have you seen Spencer?"

"That's what we were gonna ask you," Aria replied, sighing in frustration. "Why were you in the hall closet?"

"I don't know. I was fixing a few things around the house and then I blacked out," I sighed. "I don't remember anything after that."

"Lorenzo had to be right," Emily announced. "He said that they had reason to believe Ian is alive and Spencer suddenly disappears? Tell me that's not a coincidence."

"Whoa hold on," I interrupted, crossing my arms over my chest. "What's this about Ian possibly being alive? Her brother-in-law that tried to kill her?"

"My guess is she never got the chance to tell him," Hanna whispered, leaning towards Alison.

"Tell me what?" I demanded.

"Lorenzo called her down to the station and told her that Ian is possibly alive," Aria sighed. "She met with us at the Radley to tell us and then we suggested that she tell you."

"Which she agreed to do but I guess she didn't get a chance," Hanna added. "We think that Ian got to her before she ever even had a chance to tell you."

"Well that explains why I was in the closet," I sighed, slamming the door shut behind me. "I'll make that bastard pay for-"

"Toby, let's not do anything rash," Emily interrupted gently. "We need to figure this out first. What if it's just some jerk trying to mess with our heads?"

Alison looked down on the floor and saw a folded up note on the coffee table. "Unfortunately, I don't think so..." She bent down to pick it up.

"What is it?" Hanna asked, leaning over her shoulder.

"'So you want your precious girlfriend back?'" Emily read. "'You won't get her back unless you bring me that flash drive. Good luck finding her, bitches. -A'."

"It's starting up again?" Aria groaned, putting a hand on her forehead and sighing. "This has to be Ian's work!"

"Or he could just be- you know, working for this 'new A'," I suggested, adding air quotes. "We have to find that flash drive. Quickly. Before whoever this is decides to kill Spencer before we can get to her!"

"We'll find her, Toby," Alison reassured him. "We will. Trust us."


Spencer's POV

I woke up in a dusty old room with only a lamp to provide any light around me and even that was no help as to revealing where I was. I don't remember anything about how I got here. I went into the house to tell Toby about what Lorenzo...

It suddenly hit me. Ian is alive and he got to me before I could tell Toby what was going on. I desperately pulled against the chains holding me and sighed in defeat, realizing it was no use. What the hell is going on here? I thought to myself, my anxiety creeping up on me when I heard a door slowly creak open. I looked up to see a hooded figure walk into the room. I wanted to scream when I realized who it was but I couldn't because of the cloth wrapped tightly around my mouth.

Hanna and Caleb's apartment..........

Emily's POV

"Any leads?" Toby asked, walking over to Caleb's computer. "Or clues?"

"No and no," Caleb sighed. "We're trying the best we can, Toby. We promise you. This guy is good at hiding when he doesn't want to be found."

"Should we call the police?" I suggested.

"Yes, because that works so well every time we do call them," Hanna replied sarcastically.

"Hey, it was only a suggestion!" I argued. "Maybe they can track her down! No offense Caleb but they have better equipment than we do!"

"None taken. And she's probably right," Caleb agreed, standing up. "Even though I hate Tanner's guts-"

"We all do," Toby interrupted.

"I feel like someone at that police station knows a lot about technology and we're kind of out of options," Caleb finished, giving Toby a look. "Toby, call Tanner and tell her what's going on. We need all the help we can get."

I sighed and sat down next to Alison on the couch, waiting for Tanner to say something.

"Tanner? Yeah it's Toby," he sighed, pacing around the room. "Spencer has gone missing and we believe it was Ian Thomas." He paused when she said something. "Yeah we thought he was dead t- Wait you didn't know he's alive? Lorenzo didn't tell you?" He frowned in suspicion. "Ask him about it. He probably knows more than we do about his whereabouts." He nodded his head. "Alright. Bye."

Aria sat up in the chair. "What did she say?"

"She said that Lorenzo never told her that Ian is alive and that she will ask him about it," he sighed, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"That's really suspicious," I mumbled under my breath. "Why would he not tell her about him?"

"Maybe he knows how much of a bitch she is," Aria suggested. "You know how she's treated us in the past." They all nodded in agreement. "I say we ask him ourselves."

"Aria, we can't just walk up to him and be like, 'Are you working with Ian in any way?'," I argued, giving her a look.

"No I know but obviously Tanner's gonna take forever to tell us anything," Aria replied, folding her hands together in her lap. "We have to do something."

"She's right," Hanna sighed. "We need to go up there. Now. Before it's too late."

"I'll drive," I suggested, grabbing my car keys. "Toby and whoever else wants to ride with him can follow me." They all left the apartment.

A/N: Do you think that Lorenzo has some part in Ian's plan? Leave your thoughts in the comments! Also if you're wondering where the top photo is from, it's from Troian's 2016 film called Martyrs. It was a remake of the 2008 film.

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