Chapter Five

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Spencer's POV

The cold from the open window started biting at my hands and bare arms. I was numb pretty much all over and, knowing Ian and Alex, I'll eventually get frostbite.

I yanked at the chains one more time and eventually got free, tensing when the chains made loud clang. "Oh please don't have heard that," I silently prayed, slowly standing up. I haven't eaten in a day or two. My body felt weak from hunger and while Alex is out doing who knows what, I'm stuck here alone with my ex brother-in-law that tried to kill me years ago.

Oh, did I mention that Ian has apparently gotten stronger? He's either been working out or somehow got freakishly powerful. I waited a few seconds before heading to the door and peeking out through the slightly open door. "Good, he's not around," I sighed in relief, sneaking out of the room and going the first way my instincts went to.

Aria's POV

"Ezra, are you sure this is a good idea?" I sighed, looking at him as we headed into the waiting room. "With everything going on and Spencer missing-"

"Aria, we can't just leave this alone," he replied gently. "You have pregnancy symptoms. We need to see if it's positive or not."

"Alright, if you say so," I sighed, looking out one of the windows in the waiting room.

"Aria Montgomery?" a nurse called out. I stood up.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Ezra asked.

"No, I'm good," I replied. "Thank you though. I'll see you when I'm done." I followed the nurse into the back room.

"Alright, dear, just sit here," the nurse smiled. "I'm just going to check your vitals before the doctor gets here." I sat down on the cot. "So why are you here today if it's alright if I ask?"

"No worries," I replied. "My husband and I have a feeling that I'm pregnant. I've had pregnancy symptoms the last few days. Problem is that I was told that I'm unable to have children a few years ago."

"Well, being unable to have children can change," the nurse chuckled as she put a blood pressure cuff on my arm. "It was possibly a fluke if you're showing symptoms."

I shrugged and tensed at the pressure of the cuff. One of many things that remind me of the dollhouse and other things A did to us.


I woke up to see that my hair was shorter and had pink stripes in it again. "What the hell?" I whispered, looking up at the camera watching my every move. "What did you do?" I shouted, already knowing they'd done this while I was asleep. The bell chimed three times as my door opened.

I hesitantly walked out the door, not wanting to know what was coming.


"Alright, Mrs. Montgomery," the doctor replied as she came in. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," I replied nervously, taking a few deep breaths before they handed me the cup. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I went into the bathroom for privacy and came out a few minutes later. "Here you go."

"Alright, thank you," the doctor smiled. "The results will be back in about a week."

"Thank you," I smiled, leaving the room and going back out to Ezra.

One week later.........

"Hello?" I answered, standing up.

"Hi, is this Aria Montgomery?" the voice on the other end asked.

"Yes. Is this about my test results?"

"Yes ma'am," they replied. "We just got them back today."


"The test results were..........."

A/N: Cliffhanger😏 What do you think the test results are? Do you think it's positive? And I know I said I'm taking a break but I changed my mind🤷‍♀️😂

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