Chapter Two

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Hanna's POV

I was with Caleb and Thomas on our couch when I got Spencer's text. "I'll be right back," I announced, getting up off the couch and leaving the room to call Spencer. "Spence? Is everything okay?"

"No, it's not," her voice came on the other end. "Can you meet me at the Brew as soon as possible? Please? I've already called Aria and Emily."

"Yeah, of course," Hanna replied. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay. Thank you," she sighed, hanging up. I turned back to Caleb and Thomas.

"Is everything okay?" Caleb asked, standing up and going over to her.

"Spencer needs me, Aria, and Emily to meet her at the Brew as soon as we can," I explained. "She didn't say why but I'm going now."

"Okay. Keep me updated?" Caleb replied, kissing my cheek.

"Of course," I smiled as I headed out the door.

The Brew..........

I ran in as fast as I could, seeing Spencer and Emily sitting together at a table. "Sorry if I'm late at all, there was traffic and Caleb kept pressing me about what your text said," I sighed, sitting down. "Where are Ali and Aria?"

"Aria went to the bathroom," Emily replied, "and Alison said she's coming, she's just a little busy trying to get a last minute babysitter for Lily and Grace. She'll be here soon." She saw Aria come out of the bathroom.

"Hey. Sorry about that," she apologized, sitting back down.

"It's fine," Spencer replied, taking a sip of wine. "I'm sorry for the last minute text."

"It's okay, Spence, you made it sound really urgent," Emily reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "We all understand. Ali does too."

"So what's going on?" Aria asked, looking at her friend with concern. "You said you were called down to the police station?"

Spencer sighed. "I would rather wait until Alison gets here-"

"Spence, it's probably gonna be a while before she gets here," Emily replied gently. "I can tell her when I get home. Let me text her really quick and let her know."

"Alright, well-" Spencer hesitated. "They told me that they have reason to believe that Melissa's ex-fiancé is alive."

"Wren?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought that Alex-"

"No, it's not Wren," Spencer sighed. "At least, not that I know of."

"Who else would it be?" I asked, already kind of knowing the answer.

"Uh, Hanna?" Aria sighed. "Who else did Melissa get engaged to and then marry?"

"Hey, I was just trying to help her out," I replied, putting my hands up in defense.

"By what? You already know what the answer is," Aria replied, putting a reassuring hand on top of Spencer's. "Why do they have reason to believe he's alive? Didn't he kill himself with a gunshot wound to the head?"

"They said something about him having had a twin," Spencer explained. "His name was Ethan, I think. Ian killed him."

"Wait, so was Ethan the one who tried to kill you?" Emily asked.

"No, that was actually Ian. Ethan was the one who told Melissa he would be there at the church after he talked to the carpenter," she sighed, putting her wine glass down on the table. "He was in on the whole bell tower thing but backed out at the last minute because he didn't want to do it. He was nothing like Ian. Ian killed him because of his backing out and apparently has been hiding out ever since."

"But why come out now?" I questioned, setting my wine glass down as well. "Why wait years later to come back for you? It doesn't add up..."

"That's exactly what I wanna know too, Han, but I obviously can't ask him that unless he comes for me," Spencer snapped, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Have you told Toby or anyone else besides us?" Aria asked.

"No. You all are the only ones I've told."

"Spence, you need to tell Toby," Emily sighed. "What if Ian comes in unexpectedly while he's home, thinking you're alone? Toby will start asking questions..."

"I know he will," Spencer replied softly. "but I really just want to keep this under wraps for now. We don't even know if it's true or not."

"Still, it's better to be cautious," I explained. "You don't want Toby to be suspicious if you'll possibly be acting all-"

"Okay, Han, we get the idea," Emily interrupted. "You really do need to tell him, Spencer. It's best he knows."

"You're right," she sighed. "Okay. I'll tell him."

Spencer and Toby's house..........

Spencer's POV

"Toby?" I called out as I came in through the front door. "Are you home?" I turned on the lights and saw that the house was a total mess. "T-Toby?" I called out again, my heart racing in fear. A few chairs were knocked over, glass was shattered from the kitchen window, and there was a small blood stain on the carpet. "Toby, this isn't fu-" I felt a hand go over my mouth.

"Scream and you're dead," someone whispered in my ear as they dragged me off to their car. I immediately knew who it was. Lorenzo was right.

Ian's alive.

A/N: Okay so this was an unintentionally kind of short chapter but I hope you all liked it. :3 What do you think happened to Toby? Why are the girls just now finding out about Ethan? How did Ethan have a part in Ian's attempted murder? I wanna hear your theories! Don't be afraid to tell me in the comments if you have any!

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