Chapter Eight

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A/N: Ya'll are gonna hate me at the end of this chapter😅

Hanna's POV

I don't remember anything that happened. I remember going to rescue Spencer and Aria with the others and Brian but then everything went blank. I looked up to see my dad sitting in front of me on my bed. "Dad?"

"Hey," he greeted, shifting his weight. "Your mom told me what happened. You were apparently shot?"

"Yeah. Yeah I was," I snapped. "But what I wanna know is since when the hell do you ever care about me? If mom hadn't told you and you'd found out from the news would you have come?" I sat up in my bed and pushed the button to make it go up a little.

"Yes," he replied honestly. "Hanna, just because I'm married to-"

"Don't," I growled. "Just don't! You obviously didn't care enough when I was kidnapped and tortured by Noel Kahn or when Mona ran me over with her car and sent me to the hospital! Just get the hell out!"


"Now!" I shouted, glaring at him and pointing towards the door. He just sighed and got up, leaving his briefcase behind. I picked it up and opened it after making sure no one was watching me. "What the hell?" I whispered when I saw bunches of crumpled papers inside. I took one out and gasped at what I read.

Aria's POV

"So what were you wanting to tell me before you were suddenly captured?" Ezra asked gently, leading me to the couch and sitting down beside me.

"I got the results from the pregnancy test back," I sighed.


"It's positive." I looked at him with a smile. "Ezra, I'm pregnant. We're going to have a real baby." My eyes started tearing up with joy and I leaned in for a hug.

"Wait so both you and Spencer are pregnant correct?" Ezra asked.

"Yes. Why?"

"What if that's the reason they captured you?" he suggested, pulling away after our hug. "Your most vulnerable moments are when you're pregnant."

"Let's not think about that right now," I smiled. "Let's just think about this. We're here now. In the moment. Let's enjoy it."

Spencer's POV

"Toby, I just got a call from the hospital," I sighed, coming down the stairs. "It was about Hanna."

"How is she?" he asked, pulling me in for a hug.

"They don't think she has much longer left in her," I replied, my voice cracking as tears welled in my eyes. "The gunshot wound is serious. It hit her in the chest and-"

"I know where it hit her, I was there," he replied gently. "But why don't they think she'll make it? Hanna's strong. She's a fighter."

"The bullet hit a major artery," I sobbed, laying my head on his chest. "She doesn't know anything about what's going on but they want us to somehow tell her ourselves..."

"Spence," he whispered. "Hey. Look at me." He cupped my face in his hands and forced me to look up at him. "Hanna will get through this. I know she will."

Rosewood Hospital..........

Hanna's POV

"So Lucas sent you flowers," Alison announced, coming in with a bouqet. "He wanted to come here in person but he's busy with work."

"It's fine," I shrugged. "I wasn't expecting so many visitors in one day though."

"Han, you're in the hospital. Of course you'll have visitors," Emily replied, sitting down beside me on the bed and grabbing my hand softly. "You're important to a lot of people in this town."

"I know," I sighed. "It's just..."

"What?" Alison asked softly, coming over and grabbing my other hand.

"I don't know, I just have this strange feeling," I replied. "Like something's gonna happen. Soon. Today."


"I can't explain it," I sighed. "All I know is that we-"


A/N: I normally don't do this sort of thing in my stories but it happens in a lot of PLL AUs I've been reading recently and I got inspiration from that. I hope you all enjoyed! Sorry for the sad ending of this chapter😅

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