He's back

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It's finally the full moon and I'm so nervous, time is going so slow. Maylee finally comes into my room and tells me it's time.

We arrive where we are going to be doing the sacrifice. In a clearing in the woods, the same place Nik broke his curse. Elena was meant to die here once I'm just correcting history.

I tied all of her family up and sat them down in front of the alter for them to watch, they all had a part to play in Kol's death so now they will all pay.

Before we start I walk over to Jeremy he looks away from me. Getting closer to home I whisper "I'm sorry baby brother, it has to be this way. I love him brother and she was never my family. You made your choice but I'm sorry you have to suffer along with them" before walking back where Elena is.

Elena is strapped down to a table that is on a slight angle to allow her blood to run down into the ground. I stand next to the table and wait for my signal. Maylee starts the spell and nods towards me. When I see her signal I slit her throat with no remorse.

The chanting stops as the last of Elena's blood is soaked into the ground and her lifeless body lays limp on the table. My ears are filled with the screams and cries of the Scooby gang but I don't really care.

I walk over to where Kol's body is placed and run my fingers through his hair waiting for home to wake up.

A few moments pass before I see his eyes open. He immediately looks at me and smiles while hugging me.

"I missed you so much" I cry into his shoulder.

"I know darling, I will never leave you again. I promise, always and forever" he says before lifting my chin up with his fingers and kissing me.

Little Darling (Kol Mikaelson) [1] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now